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The Mwelari Islands

by Chris Wayan, 2006-9

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First-time orientation--strongly advised! Pegasia is weird.

Map of the Mwelari Islands, east of Continent 1 on Pegasia, an Earthlike moon.

These islands may look small, but they aren't; Mularei, in the north, is bigger than Taiwan, and half a dozen others rival Hawaii, and nineteen of them are big enough that a human growing up in a farm village inland might never have seen the sea.

True, that's unlikely for a native Pegasian--most of them probably fly well enough to flit casually to the beach, to the mountaintops, out to sea to fish--quite possibly well enough to fly on to other islands. A Polynesian diaspora without the boats! At the pace of wild geese or other Terran migrating birds, even the widest gaps in this archipelago could be crossed in a single day. True, days here are 48 hours long. A very long, tiring day. But still.

People here may even migrate seasonally; the northernmost isle can get snow down to sea level some winters, so some of its people may head south every year, or at least in hard winters, rather than tough it out.

There are a few more islands in the group off the lower right corner of the map, including one a bit bigger than the giant at 42 north. This mega-Hawaii and its satellites link the whole scattered archipelago to the Curl 5 Islands, just east of Continent 5. Natives of Continent 1, flying down the chain, probably met natives of Continent 5 flying up the chain; they may not have been in conflict, since the southerners will (in the north) prefer the warm coasts, and the northerners (in the south) prefer the central uplands--the flanks of the volcanoes. Together they may form an interesting hybrid culture. They'll both like fish--that's about the last prediction I'll make!

What do they look like? You tell me.

But you don't have total freedom, for once; for I'm extending the experiment I began on Continent 3: to name features of a region and let the language of those names imply a few things about the local species and culture. The mellifluous, vowel-rich, names of the main chain sound like their culture may have a touch of Polynesia. Langorous.

Sketch by Wayan of palms arching over a beach; small winged quadruped looks out at reefs. Equatorial zone of Pegasia, an Earthlike moon. Based on a watercolor by Edward Lear.
Langorous doesn't necessarily require langurs, of course; but it does suggest these folks are easy-going, sensual, sensitive to sound and music, comfortable in trees as well as diving... oooh, and they have lips! Hard to say "m" without them.

Well, parrots manage to fake our labial sounds quite well with rigid beaks, so what do I know? Don't let my silly mammalian bias stop you from telling me who lives here. Please.

Map of Pegasia, an Earthlike moon. Click a feature to go there.
TOUR PEGASIA! Survival tips first, then click on a region (just numbered for now): Continent 1 - 165 Is. - Continent 2 - Continent 3 - Rift-Junction and Curl 9 Is. - 1-4 Is. - Continent 4 - Continent 5 - Curl 5 Is. - Continent 6 - Continent 7 - Continent 8 - 89 Is. - Continent 9

The gazetteer will have a full index of native placenames, with descriptions--once the contests's over and we have natives to name them.

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