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Her Stingy Dad

Dreamed 1998/7/29 by Chris Wayan

A girl of nine or ten, skinny, pale, dark-haired, lives with her single/divorced dad, a professional who creates beautiful structures--an architect or composer. He's a decent guy, he tries to raise her right, but he has one serious flaw: he makes good money yet he's horribly cheap.

It's her birthday. He calls her in affectionately, she wakes up and comes out warily, burned too many times. She finds her present is... a birthday card. No present at all! He's getting worse, not better.

He doesn't seem to be aware what message he gives her about HER worth. She knows he loves her, that's not in question, but he teaches her to do without--to deprive herself of toys, tools, things she needs. She KNOWS it's wrong, from how disappointed she feels, but all she's learning is how NOT to invest in herself. Observing her friends' parents helped her recognize the problem, but it's not enough to cure it.

Limited ambitions--ground in from birth.


LISTS AND LINKS: kids - love - money dreams - dream advice - ambition - austerity - inheritances - initiative vs passivity

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