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Thrift Store Wish-Painting

Dreamed by Jim Shaw, c.1994.

Nerdy brothers had a weirdly stretched, haphazardly painted thruft store painting which allowed your wishes to come true. I can't remember what I wished for so I threw an angry Egghead (an early version of Elmer Fudd) who was wrapped up with clear packing tape in a closet with poisonous spray paint after someone massaged me with xylophone mallets.

Nerdy brothers show their magic thrift-store painting. Dream sketch by Jim Shaw. Click to enlarge.

SOURCE: Jim Shaw's Dreams, Jan. 1995, Smart Art Press. Dreamed 1987-95, probably 1994.


Jim Shaw literally wrote the book on Thrift Store Paintings (1990), a collection of bizarre, inept, perversely poetic art donated to thrift stores. Amusing that here we get to see the literal find of his dreams. Every collector has such a secret grail, I guess. (Sigh! Now I want my wish...)

--Chris Wayan

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