Dame Edith Lyttelton
RELATED TOPICS: dream advice and warnings - ESP in dreams, particularly predictive dreams - time and clocks - physics and natural laws - dream research and dream interpretation - two collectors of ESP accounts a generation later, Louisa E. Rhine and J.B. Priestley - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ALL HALLOW'S EVE: by (Mrs.) D. M. Barrett; 1904, a psychic dream I dreamt ghosts visited us, and for each scream, a relative would die. Two of us cried out. That morning the first letter came... |
THE BLACK STREAM: by A.W. Fyson Calder; before Aug. 1928, 1931/12/28, & 1938: 3 predictive dreams I looked into a narrow stream that was quite clear yet inky black. It made no sense at the time... |
MEOPHAM AIR DISASTER: by G.H.M. Holms; 1930/7/18, a surreal predictive dream Suddenly, out of the clouds, a man came shooting down, head first, at a terrific pace. He landed on his head with a sickening... CAUTION: GRISLY |
MY HUSBAND'S DEATH: by Gertude Pritchard; 1922, a predictive dream I made my way through a great crowd to find my husband lying dead behind velvet curtains. Two years later... |
NEW BRIGHTON MURDER: by Annie Howie Mudie; 1912/12/20, a sloppy oracular dream Someone said "There's been a murder in the Victoria Hotel, and the murderer slept in your house." Three weeks later... |
NOT A NICE DAY: by Gladys Clarke; 1925/3/18, an aural premonition All day I expected a terrible scream, but had no idea why until I heard it. A woman in flames came out of her house... CAUTION: GRUESOME DEATH |
R101 AIRSHIP CRASH: by R.W. Boyd; 1930/10/3, a predictive dream A large airship crashed onto a hilltop and burst into flame, silhouetting people who tried to escape, but... |
SCHNEIDER TROPHY CRASH: by J. Lloyd-Owens; c. 1931/8/1, an overwhelming premonition A newsreel showed a flier for the Schneider Trophy Air Race. I felt a violent shock and said "He's going to die..." |
TRIGO: by Edith L. Willis; 1929/6/4, an induced automatic-writing prediction (profitable, too) In an idle moment I held a pencil and asked the air who'd win the Derby. 'Trigo' meant nothing to me, but was listed at 32 to 1, so... |
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