Not to say that I didn't have major psychological wounds needing therapy. Too. After addressing the blatant physical symptoms and diagnostic flags my doctors ignored.
RELATED TOPICS: therapy - diagnosis - Only in San Francisco - - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
THE ARTERIA: by Wayan; 1994/5/24, a raw, personal tale of three nightmares. Hypnotherapy provokes nightmares of body-part shops, secret libelers, and madmen in space... |
THE BAR PET: by Wayan; 1994/12/4, a disorienting dreamlet. I meet a sex-kitten in the Underground Cartoonists' Bar, but her body language makes no sense to me... CAUTION: UNDERAGE FLIRTATION... OR IS IT? |
THE BOARD OF KIBITZERS: by Wayan; 1993/10/18, a pseudo-psychic dream about dreams. My therapist changes into a good ol' boy? I can handle that. But that State Board of Kibitzers behind him... |
THE CONCHES: by Wayan; 1996/5/23, a dream on how dreams view the waking mind. A visit to the Conches, a strange race of molluscs who are people only seasonally... |
DREAM CLARITY, or, the Field of Psychotherapy: by Wayan; 1996/11/27, a dream on dreams While we're making crop-circles in the field of psychotherapy, my hypnotist and I start to argue... |
FEVER DREAMS: by Wayan; 1993/9/8, a set of wild feverdreams. While my body expels a kidney stone, weird scenes happen on the astral plane. At least I get to dip the pope. CAUTION: PAIN, PEE, POPE |
FROM GLIDING TO FLIGHT: by Wayan; 1993/11/15, a gradualistic dream. Hypnotherapy is hopeless with these blind architects flopping all over the cafe, but my flying has improved... |
THE HACKER: by Wayan; 1993/11/23, a psychic nightmare. Who's the demon? Mom, the Dragon, the Smiler, the Rubber Ax Murderer, the Doll Princess or the Tiger?... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
JENNIFER MONTGOMERY: by Wayan; 1995/4/24, a film review Montgomery's film about her teenage affair with a pedophile is troubling enough before the FBI tries to blackmail her... CAUTION: MOLESTATION/ABUSE ISSUES |
A KRELKIN SMEARED: by Wayan; 1996/9/23; a dream of bold intervention . I'm a slender, clever krelkin. I draw me, but then red rage erupts and I trash myself... can I be saved? |
LUCID LIVING: by Wayan; 2007/4/8, a quasi-lucid dream of the future with 9 illustrations Honesty induces a joyful state with lucidlike powers. So I bike across the Lake of Time, open the book of my future, and see... CAUTION: SEXY SKETCHES FROM THE FUTURE |
NO "I": by Wayan; 2003/10/22, a dream of identity loss. I'm in San Francisco trying to throw Sauron's Ring into the Cracks of San Andreas. But a sexy sorcerer steals my sense of I! How can you act without a self? |
RICH KILLER: by Wayan; 1994/2/1, a dream on abuse and rage. A rich serial killer in a sports car flaunts his virtual immunity, till I go after him in a light plane... |
SHADOWS ADMIRABLE: by Wayan; 1993/9/28, a dream on dreams. A dream-lecturer says Shadows aren't just what we hate or fear, but what we admire yet see as "not us"... CAUTION: IDEAS |
VOW, CHOP, DOOR: by Wayan; 1997/1/26, a psychic dreamtale. I make a weird vow--while I absent-mindedly slice up other people's cars! The next day... CAUTION: DREAM VANDALISM |
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