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Apocalypse of the Moon

Dreamed before 1997 by Carl Linkhart

I remember the future, when one night, the moon
plunged right onto the earth. The shaking that
followed was charged with every sort of energy.
It was like the force that once spawned the age of
reptilian giants. Water spilled from tubs of fertility
and soaked into the thirsty earth. Then, the moon
did the unheard of: It rose from its sunken grave
and hovered above us. Such light and magnetic
force radiated from its lunar surface that it
materialized into a yellow jewel. The energy beam
revitalized the lost decayed travesty of civilization
as we reached into a golden beam of light.

'Apocalypse of the Moon', a dream painting by Carl Linkhart.

SOURCE: Suspense Above the Pool by Carl Linkhart, (Chamberly Publications, 1998; p.88-89)

LISTS AND LINKS: time-travel dreams - the future - disasters - the end of the world - Luna - falling - crash! - dream animals - water, light, color & energy - rebirth - dream poetry & paintings - more Carl Linkhart

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