Behind the Screens
Dreamed 1984/2/12 by Chris Wayan
I was told not to focus. Not to bother. In the 1980s, Western medicine tests for food allergies and sensitivities were garbage--though they didn't tell you that. I was told firmly a skin test proved I had no food sensitivities or allergies. So what was it? Doctors generally dismissed all hard-to-diagnose cases like mine as 'hereditary' or 'psychosomatic' or that great catch-all, 'stress'--letting them evade responsibility for diagnosis or cure.
"Do your parents bug you?"I cured myself only when I quit trusting my doctors, and tested what they'd told me, and found all of it false.Oh, is that a common cause of pelvic inflammation and intestinal bleeding?"Could work be stressing you out? Could you cut back?"I worked half-time (all I could handle) in a library; about the lowest-stress job on earth (lowest paid, too)."Have you tried mood elevators?"Sure, and they did nothing. Because pain and inflammation aren't moods.
Fond as I was of her, hot as our trysts were, I knew in the morning... this was a warning.
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