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Dance of the Enigmas

Dreamed 2000 by Jace of VCL (Brian Harp)

She is another enigma from my dreams. She asked me a riddle:

"What, plus a teaspoon of knowledge
and a teaspoon of wisdom
makes three teaspoons of nothing?"
The answer was simple:
a teaspoon of ignorance.

Ink drawing of a winged, tatooed sphinx who asked me a riddle in my dream.

LISTS AND LINKS: sphinxes - lion people - sexy creatures - riddles - dream humor - blindness - fanatics, fundamentalists, and wilful ignorance - ink - more Jace: Crissi the Drider (caution: she's kinky) and The Winged Booby Snake - an oddly parallel dream-drawing: Jo Equinity's Lion Rider

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