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Hide in the Reeds

Dreamed 2023/2/5 by Wayan


A few days back, I fell and scraped my knee bloody and twisted an ankle. It's still pretty bad, and healing it may be diverting all my body's resources; at least I feel drained and my joints ache. So I just lie around and read. Evening comes, and I'm still exhausted, borderline ill. I have to skip Andrew's party. Disappointed with myself, but I'm not well enough. AND...

I believe that bitter voice saying "nothing'll come of it anyway; I'll just flee anyone I'm attracted to; still can't stop myself." A recent dream, Critters of the Montana Front, personified my reasons--abuse, then long isolation and illness. I learned solitary habits that kept me safe and fairly productive while chronically ill. Now that I'm just intermittently ill, I can be more social--when well. But right now...


I dream I live in the NW corner of San Francisco: the Outer Richmond District. Sandy dusty streets; the beach is near, and the prevailing winds blow fine sand all over the neighborhood. I've felt guilty for never sweeping our walk clean, but I try it now, and the sand just puffs around and comes back with the first breeze. Sweeping's not enough; I need to anchor the grit. For that I need organic matter, plants and regular watering. If I put in the time, the land will build up rather quickly, perhaps even outpacing the rising, warming sea. If not, I fear this house will go under in the end.

I walk east from "my home". Ahead on a corner, silhouetted on the sky (the street abruptly drops away), is a dense round crowd. I near it and find the circle's an illusion--just the head of a long crowd stretching blocks down the hill. Most sit crosslegged. Here at the head, a woman lectures on meditation. A popular guru!

I'm naked. Feel embarrassed and vulnerable. So I crawl away from the crowd, south along the edge of a field of simple green blades a yard tall. Leeks, edible reeds?

I hide in the reeds. Bend a few down to make a nest and lie there in the sun. Feel a bit better immediately. But only a bit. Healing will take time.

I sunbathe nude in tall reeds. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

LISTS AND LINKS: home - perseverance - religious leaders - nudity - puns - diagnostic dreams & health advice - loneliness, lost opportunities... & solitude by choice

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