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The Madonna Speaks

Dreamed 1971 by Carolee Schneemann as told to Patricia Ariadne

Performance piece by Carolee Schneemann as female Minotaur in the Madonna's labyrinth; photo by Barbara Yoshida. Click to enlarge.

[On her] visit to the Labyrinth of the Madonna's Tears, in Tuscany, Italy... Carolee dreamed that the Goddess said to her

"My forgotten sanctuaries are all around you now. You have only to see with your own eyes. Our gestures are the same gestures."
The labyrinth, a dark and ancient underground maze, could only be negotiated with complete trust and surrender. "You had to abandon every aspect of intentionality and control over your situation," Carolee explained. "You were forced to let go, to enjoy the process, and yet use every particle of your senses to follow the path."

This process, Carolee concluded, is analogous to the way in which one must enter the realm of the unconscious, the place where the dream material is waiting.

SOURCE: Women Dreaming-into-Art: Seven Artists who Create from Dreams, by Patricia Ariadne, (2006, Galde Press); photo p.126 by Barbara Yoshida, text p.146 (footnote 15).

LISTS AND LINKS: holy sites - mazes - the underworld - gods - Christianity, Wicca & Goddess-worship - trust & surrender gender issues - more from Women Dreaming-into-Art - more Schneemann: Fresh Blood: A Dream Morphology

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