Mark Rolls the Melon
Dreamed 1990/7/4 by Wayan
I'm quitting my job to move to San Francisco and be an artist. Talk with friends--Mark, Linda, David--about financial planning all day, learning their unspoken money-lives (more taboo I think than sex). It's a surprise; I'm the poorest paid of all, but they spend every cent and expect to be wage slaves for life, while I've saved steadily for years--even before I knew I'd break away.
I recently read the Scottish ballad "Thomas the Rhymer". It includes these lines:
2020 NOTE
I retired at 36 and never had a boss again. Out of all my friends, Mark was the other one who left the rat race--he dropped out more gradually, but he tried to live Jefferson's motto for America in the Declaration of Independence: not, as others had proposed, "Life, Liberty and Property" but "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Rather a different path.
Happy Independence Day to you, too.
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