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1989/11/21, a Stone Age (16-color! 400-pixel-wide screen!) digital painting of my dream-self stuck in the waking world, by Chris Wayan

I'm a unicorn drawing away in art class, feeling more naked than the model. This wasn't a dream but how I felt in my first real life-drawing class. I felt out of place there--a suburban college. I'd been dreaming of meeting unicorns, and even of being unicorns; I turned in digital dream-paintings as homework, and dreamed I was on trial before a judge for using an Amiga computer... When I showed my digital dream-images, my classmates and even the teacher said "Computers are soulless and evil."

I felt like I wore a mask in that class--like the ink I drew with was my blood. Hard, hard, hard.

Oh, and I had a silent crush on my classmate Robin...

A unicorn student in a life-drawing class, by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

LISTS AND LINKS: I was a nurse meeting a Five-Hearted Unicorn - I become a unicorn in The Bridge - studios and studio art - school dreams - masks and disguises - posters and picture-poems - pure digital art - the little camera with legs turns solid: The Fashion Shoot

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