Peacock Kings
Dreamed late 1196 ("8th or 9th month") by Myoe Shonin.
In a dream, there were two golden Great Peacock Kings which were larger in size than a man's body. Their heads and tails were decorated with an assortment of jewels, and from their entire bodies came a fragrant force that permeated the entire world. The two birds frolicked and flew through the sky, and from the jewels came a great voice of sublime beauty resounding throughout the world. The sound of that voice recited a verse:
"The 84,000 teachings and the means for countering [ignorance]A man was there and he said, "These birds always dwell on Vulture Peak; they deeply love and delight in the unsurpassed Mahayana, and are far removed from attachment to worldly matters."
are the wonderful law preached by the honored Sakyamuni."
After the birds recited the verse, I held two sutra scrolls in my hands. On one scroll was written the title, "Butsugen Nyorai," and on the other was written, "Shaka Nyorai". I thought of how I had obtained these two sutras from the peacocks, and a feeling of great joy arose when I heard the verse. As I chanted "Praise be to Shaka Nyorai! Praise be to Butsugen Nyorai!," tears of joy began to flow and I rejoiced at holding the two sutra scrolls.
When I awoke from my dream, the bottom of my pillow was soaked with tears.
--Myoe Shonin
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