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Peeling Her Skin
Dreamed 2020/10/20 by Wayan
Meet a friend with a weird aura--shambling, scattered energy. She sort of flirts (with her, everything's sort of)--bumps into me, wants contact. We roll around. Half sexy half silly. Fun.
A very short guy with a mean sneer opens a 3-page centerfold to show me a nude blonde. Pulls a razor and cuts the image. I wince. Weird!--the skin peels off, and underneath... fresh but subtly different skin. An elaborate disguise--old or fake skin!
She's the girl I was rolling round with, now, or rather that girl's the disguise, and she peels off more, herself. Freeing herself.
Should I help? The new, real her still likes to roll around on the floor. Peels off more skin. Wiggling her naked body at me--this isn't sorta flirting. The new here is more direct. She wants me and I want her back.
But I came here with a ride who may be leaving soon. If I stay all night with her, as I want to, I may have to find my own way home. But it's probably worth it--I've been so nervous about sex lately, and Skinpeeler's innocent directness calms me down, reassures me. Very healing.
Suddenly I recall how today I found a folder full of sketches of an old dream--comedian Suzanne Somers, back when she talked about sexual abuse, just got sneered at, and I dreamed that under that scorn-storm, she slowly shrank to child size, baby size, Barbie size! I never finished drawing it--felt embarrassed, feared readers'd sneer at ME too, and say it was about pedophilia, not sexism.
Ohh! This current scene echoes that shame about sex--no, NOT about sex! About being male when so many men ARE not just abusive but mock any attempts to change it. From the President on down.
Well, I'm getting a second chance to resolve that. Weird though Skinpeeler is.
- Manila folder, dream: true! Back when Suzanne Somers brought up sexual abuse (a generation too soon, unfortunately for her) I dreamed that as reporters sniped away at her, she slowly shrank to doll size. Recently found the folder with sketches...
- Sneering: what Somers faced then. It's shifted; still plenty of hostility, but no longer a majority. I think. We're about to find out. Two weeks to the election!
half-page sketch from dream-comic in which Suzanne Somers was my mom
- Skinpeeler: duh. Baring all the abuse. And apparently that's not just a blow for equality; honesty is sexy, too.
- Suzanne Somers pointed out that the problem was never sex--it was sexist assholes feeling free to bully, and how fear silences the victims. Now, a generation later, a sexist asshole bully rules the country. But in two more weeks... maybe not.
- Non-sexual embarrassment mistaken for sexual guilt: A very educational dream! We all know religions try to induce sexual guilt; it's a staple of comedy. But many religions also push assholism, and that isn't acknowledged so openly. So some men, me included, think we feel sexual guilt when we don't: it's shame and anger for other men's nastiness. And the antidote is not evangelizing about male privilege and how woke you are. Shut up and fight that evil. In person and at the ballot box.
- Keep funding campaigns for progressive governors and senators in swing states. I sent more this year than all previous years of my life combined. But Georgia's senatorial elections won't happen for weeks yet; send Warnock and Ossoff more money. Every vote will count.
- Draw that damn Suzanne Somers piece. She was a pioneer, spat on for speaking up.
flirting & seduction -
skin -
peeling, nudity & exhibitionism -
masks & disguises -
truth & lies -
gender -
bias & discrimination -
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more dreams on Three's Company & Suzanne Somers:
Black & White, or Color? &
Birdsuit! -
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