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Queen Kong

Dreamed 1986/3/17 by Wayan

 . Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.  . Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I'm in the desert, staring at a great dust plume heading toward me. It's no cattle herd or posse of riders but a lone figure--a giantess. Round me, a crowd flees in panic, but I'm rooted.

She looms. She's carrying a girl on her shoulder like she's King Kong and the girl is Fay Wray.

Here comes the Great White Hunter--moustache, pith helmet and elephant gun. He aims and fires at the giantess. Bullets bounce off her bookshelves. Did I mention she's a walking library?

She glances at the Hunter, then ignores him. Doesn't even feel a sting. Books do stop bullets pretty well, I guess. It's traditional.

I wave to the giantess, and she picks me up. The girl says "You want a library card? Way better selection than my neighborhood branch!" She's no prisoner, just a serious reader. Like me.

I sign up for the Queen Kong Library.

The dream's surrealism isn't random. I work in a huge library and take a book home every night, getting a free Stanford education. Like Newton, I'm already riding the shoulder of a giant! But... I put myself down for that. "You should get out more! You should go to earsplitting clubs, and dance with drunks, like a normal adult."

The dream faces the truth: I don't want to be normal. I'd rather let a great book... carry me away.


The size of the giant wasn't random either; notice Reader Girl's comment! "Way better selection..." Casual readers can get by with a branch library or a casual skimming of Amazon bestsellers. But serious readers out to learn something deep need millions of books from which to pull out the hundred, or dozen, or one you really need. You need a huge library, or a lot of money to give,, or as a last resort (ugh!) Amazon.

You serious dreamworkers out there by now will be suspicious. Is the dream really just about books, or is it about dreams, too? Often takes thousands to change you deeply; not that change takes that many, but it can take years to build your dream-recall and interpretive skills, so when a life-altering dream strides by, you're ready.

LISTS AND LINKS: deserts - dream beings - giants - warriors, violence & guns - libraries - friends - surrealism - social & general dream advice - dreamwork - pencil art

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