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Dreamed before 1995 by Rick Veitch


Rick Veitch has recurring dreams of a striped cat called Rare Bit Fiends, a name deriving from Winsor McCay's strip pioneering dream-comics a century ago: Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend. Rick's wild cat seems to be his personification (well, catification) of dreaming itself. In his comic book series Rare Bit Fiends and its booklength collection Rabid Eye, he mostly tells one-page dreams of all sorts, but now and then the cat turns up for a page, with folksy lyrics--rather as if an endless Appalachian ballad's been playing as background music on a soundtrack we only occasionally notice, supplying a little continuity. The first page here, page 15, is typical--dreams play rough! But notice the change by page 59...

The savage cat called 'Rare Bit Fiends' comes out of the hills to maul dreamers; dream-comic by Rick Veitch. Click to enlarge. The savage cat called 'Rare Bit Fiends' comes out of the hills to lead a dream workshop?! Dream-comic by Rick Veitch. Click to enlarge.

I think that's realistic! Over years, my dreams too went from confused and nightmarish to clear and magical; the monsters, from brutes to mentors. I think that's typical. You have to rip out your parental and societal programming--which isn't you, but HURTS as if it's you being ripped up! Only after clearing a runway can the magic really take flight.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Rick Veitch's Rabid Eye, 1995, King Hell Press, a compilation of his comic book series Rare Bit Fiends, pp 15 & 59.

LISTS AND LINKS: recurring dreams - weird dream beings - animal people - big cats - dreaming personified - Her debut: Cowboy, Horse, Cat - dreamwork in general - persistence - dream poetry & comics - ink - more Rick Veitch

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