I'm planning to cast a golden ring, an exact copy of Sauron's in THE LORD OF THE RINGS. Millions read Tolkien, and so the conviction lies dormant in all their unconsciouses that a golden ring with a certain FĂ«anorian inscription will give its owner vast and dangerous powers. And since belief creates power, such a ring may really work, now that Tolkien has created psychic and cultural room for it.
It'd be hard to make--the goldwork involved in that inscription would be incredibly fine, almost microscopic, and finding a gold alloy that hard and heat-resistant... not easy.
But possible, now. Because reality is rubbery. We can stretch it. Fiction creates belief, and belief creates... elbow room.
- Tolkien's work cleared elbow room: true. Room for environmentalism and eco-spiritualism: when Treebeard roared "The tree-killer!" and went after Saruman, a generation of kids saw both trees and their killers differently--and acted on it. Room, too, for different kinds of fiction: for fantasy, and especially high/deep fantasy: the idea that creating worlds is itself art--that setting matters as much as character or plot.
- The One Ring = Invisibility, persuasiveness, clairvoyance, cunning! All skills I had to develop to survive a hard childhood. I think the dream warns I'm still tempted to further refine my power to hide & manipulate others, rather than take a new path and free my painful, rough, angry, abused side. Or frank, unapologetic, ambitious side--to phrase the same thing without femme condemnation.
- Fiction creates room for reality? If so, I can look for cleaner magic than Sauron's ring, (though it kept me alive, in a scuttling Gollum sort of way). My quite elvish, otherworldly dreams create elbow room for a magical life here and now. The dream's magic reminds me I do work real magic. I had another psychic dream this week! If I can face dreaming the future, surely I can face the shadow of my past!
- My past--that golden, treacherous legacy. My precioussss... But what if I forged a clean ring? No reason power has to be Sauron-sleazy.
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