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Orbital photo of Serrana, a world-building experiment; a hybrid of Earth and Mars with small, isolated seas and extensive deserts and savanna. Orbital photo of Serrana, a world-building experiment; a hybrid of Earth and Mars with small, isolated seas and extensive deserts and savanna. How I Built Serrana

by Chris Wayan, 2004-6

for Ursula K. Le Guin, Peter Kropotkin, and Emma Goldman

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more worlds? Planetocopia!


Serrana has twin sources. One's mentioned all through the site: Ursula Le Guin's classic fable on anarchism, The Dispossessed. I'll get to her in a moment. But the other is mundane--just a chance encounter. Watercolor sketch of Serrana's globe; on the left, its origins as a light fixture found in a gutter; on the right, its current state.

One day, I had to buy a light fixture for our cooperative house on Bernal Hill in San Francisco, and I walked down to the nearest hardware store. In the gutter by the store, among the leaves, I found an intact light globe, 25 cm (10") across.

In a flash I saw it as a planet, a cast-off, rejected planet. A planet not good enough, so the Americans threw it in the gutter.

Just like they're throwing Earth.

So I brought it home, that lost, unwanted world, and cleaned it. Not a chip, not a crack. It was beautiful. Didn't fit the space where we needed a light fixture, so I couldn't use it for that, but... that initial flash kept resurfacing in my mind.

I looked through my wood scraps and found a one-foot round piece left over from another art project, turned the light fixture upside down, snipped the wires off, and screwed it onto that wooden base. Painted the stand black, and suddenly the old light was a globe. Unmistakably a globe.

A flawed one; it had a northern bias. The south polar region, from around sixty degrees south, has a slight problem--the base of the light-globe bulges here like an ice cap about two hundred miles tall...

But hey, I just won't go down there. I never did like snow.

LE GUIN'S ANARRES Anarres, the anarchist moon in 'The Dispossessed'. Map by Ursula Le Guin; click to enlarge.

So what sort of world did it want to be? The pathos of an unwanted world made me think of The Dispossessed--Le Guin's anarchist utopia began as a prison-moon, a dumping ground, like Australia was for the British Empire.

Soon I was looking hard at Le Guin's two tiny hemispheric sketchmaps in The Dispossessed. I started trying to map out what they implied for a real world. Not easy! They only show coastlines, a few hills and rivers, and the handful of towns mentioned in the story. More orientation-graphic than true maps.

Those sketchmaps also lack any scale. But the text does mention Red Springs and Abbenay are 2500 miles apart; that'd make Anarres no larger than Mercury, maybe even as small as Luna! Yet its gravity suggests a much bigger world, at least Martian, more likely even bigger--our hero gets into serious political troubles when visiting the Earthlike world of Urras, but extra weight gives him only a few twinges. Nor could a moon with mere lunar gravity retain so much air and water.

There are other scale-discrepancies between text and map making it clear Le Guin didn't want the geographic specifics of Anarres pinned down--or didn't care. Anarres is a political fable, not a physical ecology. Watercolor sketch of Serrana by Wayan; click to enlarge.

But ecology is politics! Pushing the physical landscape into the background is exactly how people kill it.


So... I've rebuilt Anarres in the light of modern planetology. Gradually I worked out what areas would be relatively wet and dry, juggling Coriolis forces and Hadley cells, first in my mind and then on paper. I did a few pencils and watercolors, like this sketch of the Lesser Seas to the right.

It came out mostly dry or semiarid, of course, like Anarres--it remains a world with shallow little seas, and thin air. But there were extensive regions that, to my surprise, came out quite fertile. Some of these unavoidably contradict Le Guin; her Rolny Peninsula, thrusting into the world's biggest ocean right at the equator, just won't be dry. I was forced to make Ynlor one of the wettest places on a dry world.

The coastlines match, the lands and seas are recognizably Anarresti, but this new version is larger (diameter: 6000 miles, midway between Earth and Mars), more mountainous and geologically active (as Mars turned out to be), warmer (more volcanic CO2 to trap heat), and with a more evolved flora and fauna--intelligent fauna with their own version of anarchism.

No need for a transplanted human civilization from some big-brother world, as in the book.

It's Anarres grown up--revised, reborn and renamed: not Anarres, but... Serrana.

Photo of Serrana's globe, showing its stand and the south polar problem it creates.

Since Serrana's a tribute to The Dispossessed, I wanted to refer identifiably to Le Guin's names on Anarres, yet not steal them. Also, English sounds so pleasantly alien, backward. Woble, Murd, Yendik, Trats, Sherf! And that alienness is needed. On her Anarres, the placenames are of two sorts:

  1. Pravic words like Abbenay ("mind"), plus a few non-Pravic placenames inherited from telescopic astronomers on the Old World, like Ans Hos and the Ne Theras.
  2. Simple descriptive placenames translated into English--Fresh Start, Wide Plains, Liberty--names natural for colonists, outsiders settling a land they see as a mere backdrop to their brave new society. But utterly wrong for nonhuman natives deeply tied to the land! (The only place I've indulged in such simple descriptive names is to label my alien species, for clarity--certainly they don't call themselves raptors and treesquid!)
Anyway, name-reversal felt like an elegant solution, preserving while estranging. And isn't estrangement one of the cardinal virtues? (Of science fiction, anyway.) Besides, Le Guin's first ambiguous utopia, the seed, I think, for Anarres, was "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas"--a short tale inspired by reading "Salem, Oregon" backwards on a roadsign. So if Le Guin can do it...

I reversed names phonetically, not by spelling; so single sounds like "sh" don't turn to "hs". Note that in Pravic, Le Guin's anarchist language, gv and kv are single sounds and letters, so they don't reverse any more than "th" or "sh".

One final problem cropped up. Le Guin simply doesn't mention enough places on Anarres, and even in the course of Shevek's travels, we don't go everywhere; there just isn't worldwide coverage. In such under-described regions, I've named features for Pravic words, phrases, and, especially, for appropriate characters in the books. So Lake Galur is cold, like Shevek's mother Rulag; the Baragv River gets overlooked, like his physics-mentor, poor old Gvarab; and the palindromic Mt Bunub, like her namesake, never shuts up.

Map of Serrana, a world-building experiment. Click a feature to go there.
TOUR SERRANA! Click a region for a detailed ground-level tour: Aburros Sea - Woble Range - Yanneba Basin and Plano - Mosnoll and Eronit Basins - The Tsud Desert - Eamet Ocean and South Pole - Leas, Niirg, and Narek: The Lesser Seas - The Rakach Plateau and the Northlands

Serrana's homepage - Peoples of Serrana - Culture - Evolution - Gazetteer - How I Built Serrana

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