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The Suicide Track

Dreamed 2023/2/25 by Wayan

I'm waiting in line at the euthanasia clinic. It's popular--the line stretches out of the building, across its atrium and down the sidewalk. It's a kind, careful, painless, enlightened program with lots of steps where you can rethink your decision. I've been in it for months. But I'm near the end of the process; if all the forms are in order I could even die today.

Before and after me in line are two similar women--kind, intelligent, likable auras. Am I attracted to them? A bit late! I don't talk much, but I listen and start to face that I now doubt I want to kill myself, though the program and the sheer number of people around me who ARE ready to give up... both sway me to accept death. After all, by the accepted measures of happiness--love and community and so on--I'm so isolated my life shouldn't be worth living. So I might as well die.

Of what? Of peer pressure? Bureaucratic momentum? I sit on a bed reading my euthanasia authorization. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

As long as we three are together, I'm cushioned, even enjoying myself--I genuinely like proximity to these women, and sense they too have a capacity to enjoy life, and shouldn't die.

But... clinging to their life-affirming auras means I stay in the death line!

When at last I reach the head of the line, I'm issued into a private bedroom and left alone. My doubts grow. It's real now. On the bed rests a final form I must read and endorse.

Strange. It's in Russian. An English translation at the end, but... the bureaucrats wouldn't have handed me this unless they thought I'm a native Russian speaker who might misunderstand English.

What ELSE have they gotten wrong about me?

I got things wrong about me too. I have to face that I don't want to kill myself.

As I wake... what bothers me most is that I felt so comfortable, so comforted. The program's kindness lulled me--and others.


LISTS AND LINKS: doctors & health care - dying in dreams - suicide - socializing & community - languages - mistakes - nightmares - politics & ethics - digital dream art

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