Your Dream LIKES You
My dream-guide Silky's three dream-maxims, 1991-2007, by Chris Wayan
When she first told me "Remember your REM embers", I printed the bare message out and hung it over my bed where I'd see when I woke, to remind me to grab the notebook and record even scraps of memory.
A year or two later, that seemed a bit stark, so then I drew the little poster above, and hung that up instead. But over the years it faded as inkjet prints do. So recently I painted a still larger acrylic version, to remind me.
Oops! I forgot. Here's Silky's third maxim:
That's like snubbing your friends! For dreams are friends.
So never mind all that psychological theory. Just lay out a notebook within reach, and give yourself time to remember your REM embers.
And then try acting on your friends' advice.
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