Awkward Enlightenment
Dreamed 2010/1/13 by Wayan
O clammy lecturehall! Students on folding chairs
clot like cheese. Where's an empty? There, but a beanpole sprawls his arms. Zat scowl for me or your no-show friends? Mangerdog! Leave his laughable moustache, sit instead edging a gabble-group. Two nearly men and a woman squeeze me into their clique. Chatterbox, chatterbox, I am penned!
So I experiment: see a ghostly comb
The college cafeteria, now. Crowd-hum,
dish-clank, and ginger-scallion whiff. One oval table's clear of chairs.
Excited, up she rears. Suddenly she's wise!
I woke with insight gone. Enlightened cat I ain't!
But the moral clung, though transcendence ebbed: to flash is grace; to implement, divine. Aye, there's the rub. Insight's not the vine, |
just seed! The fruit is deed. So I, in verse and paint,
incarnate my dream. That Cattauress clear-swept an arc of scholars with her thrilled unwieldy tail. I'll try to flail a little arc with mine. |
I tried this at our house's big party celebrating our solar panels. A hundred people, and I ran around for ten hours nonstop solving problems.
I never tired out! Physically present and active, but I kept my aura in. Didn't read minds, hearts, bodies--when I wanted to connect, I talked or touched. With my other body, I mean--the meat body.
That one I forget about.
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