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Berry Thief

Dreamed 2024/11/1 by Wayan


I finish a milestone in the Capsica Project. Done with sculpting the globe, painting, naming, mapping, and writing tours. And mapping it all took just 14 years! Ready to start the illustrations?

My sister Miriel visits. We walk around Holly Park. She plays me some happy songs she wrote, "since I can't handle more grimness." I try to learn their chords and play along...


I read Mai Mochizuki's The Full Moon Coffee Shop, a pop-up cafe run by talking cats who seem to represent the planets and teach the customers (Euro!) astrology. A hit in Japan. Hmm. Emphasizes "universal" life stages ruled by planets/principles. But my life hasn't followed any such pattern. I just ricochet around...

TV: The Orville. Two shows--first a sex farce, as a blue alien guy radiating pheromones gets everyone horny, distracted, irresponsible, and rationalizing "no problem here!" Fun. Then a grim survivalist show, as Claire, her kids and Isaac get stranded on a plague-devastated world. No fun.


I meet an adorable cloud
leopard, mist-pale, lush paw-
prints flowering her pelt. She
lazy-leans to prop

a broad berry-basket on her hip
heaped hill-high with white-oak
acorns, hazelnuts and
huckleberries blue.

She has a teen complaint. "I feel
sorry for rabbits, so I don't hunt.
Mean adults in my pride steal
my glean! I think a girl

deserves the calories she's caught!"
Pale cream tummy fur. Nipple shy
peeks out. As does pink clit. I
think she's hot.

A tipsy huckleberry crawls
over the woven lip and falls
to the grass. I pounce, devour.

Tease her with a chant:
"O the berry injustice! Why can't
grownuts [groan!] be fair?"

Add "You could protest better--sure can't
dance worse than me! Hootchy cootch
on YouTube--caterwaul and rant
how tiger parents mooch."

Study break! I learn food-terms
in Cat. Scribble the few I know,
and magnet-pin my list knee-high
on their fridge, below.

These reared-up pumas tall ignore
list and me, down on their floor,
a pet to the Cat Family. Ape I
stay beneath them. Why?

We pets lack bed-rights, yet I seek
to court a cloud-dappled bride.
Is pet-humility really the way
to win a girl with pride?

I roll on floor below a teenage cloud-leopard girl. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


LISTS AND LINKS: weird dream beings - animal people - big cats - kids & teens - babes, hunks & sexy creatures - nudity - food - Meat is Murder - theft - family - teasing & play - flirting - perspective - language - status & pecking order - humility & pride - assertion - healing from abuse - romantic advice - blown opportunities & sabotage - dream poems - puns - digital dream art

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