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Bike Over the Bell Curve
Dreamed 2018/9/25 by Wayan
I bike down a shoplined street. Construction ahead. Wood boards or beams, massive and 6m long, are laid down the center divider. They're installing planters, block by block, and this one's ready. Gravel and lumber block the curb, too; just one narrow lane open.
I follow a slow, slow biker taking it all up--in the exact middle. The car behind me honks, angry. At last I squeeze past the slowpoke and push ahead.
I follow a small car, a new-model Volkswagen--roof rounded like a Beetle, but with weird skirt-fenders, so the car looks like a giant bell--or a Gaussian distribution curve!
Suddenly the VW brakes. I'm tailgating--crowding it--barely a foot back, and when I brake, I instinctively use only ONE handbrake--the right, a bit loose and weak. I can't possibly stop in time.
But rather than HIT the car, those wide fender-skirts help me ride right up over it! Up to the roof, down the far side, as if it's just another San Francisco hill!
I bike on, relieved, thinking "Wow, the Bell Curve saved my neck!"
- The Bell Curve: the statistical curve showing the most common distribution pattern for any trait--the majority near the middle, dropping off to long tails of rare outliers. I learned about it early because I was such an outlier--a child prodigy reading at two and testing as mentally adult by ten. It both got me pushed ahead in school and beat up a lot.
- The skirt goes all around, not just front to back like the VW Beetle's curve: I'm a multiple statistical outlier--a mutant (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) with fragile health but off-the-scale IQ, pretty substantial autism, and vivid predictive dreams. In all these areas I'm off the bell curve--a freak. My difference is as genetic as race, but not skin-deep; I really do sense, think and feel differently.
- That wide skirt saves me: the dream argues those outskirts are good. Majority institutions and solutions are built for those in the bell, not freaks like me.
- ACTION: It's time to fully face that things work best for me when I use brains, intuition, and ESP to solve problems my own way, outside mass institutions built for, well... humans. Indeed, such institutions are obstructions, and the dream advises using fringy skills to run right over them!
bike -
cars -
crashes -
math -
autism &
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more VW weirdness in:
Businessmen have Snouts - two bell-curve dreams:
All-Genius Class &
Bell Curve in the Dark
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