- Tower of spiral horn =
- Lighthouse with spiral stair on Dr Who, which I saw before bed. Monsters crawled up the stairs...
- Wind Tower in Patricia McKillip's Harpist in the Wind--home of a brilliant but vulnerable being who needed an inviolable refuge up its spiral stair.
- The horn's spiral twist hints it's alicorn, narwhal ivory. It was thought to be from unicorns, and have healing powers.
- I'm female, bathrobe = On Babylon-5, Ivanova and Talia slept together, the first lesbian couple I've seen on American TV. Playing ball in the big leagues here probably means sex, dating, falling in love. (First base, second base, third base, SCORE!)
- Mutants, Cyclops: aliens on "Babylon-5". One ambassador looks molluscan, with a central eye and a thalidomide stalk-arm-flipper.
- Cyclops: in Greek myth he was a cannibal--and Uncle Bee's triangular teeth and the eye in the back of his head also resemble the people-eaters in Heinlein's "Have Space Suit--Will Travel." All the signs are, Uncle Bee is REAL trouble! Plus he enjoyed creeping me out--not quite sadism but close. On the other hand, I recently saw "Deep Space 9": Mog became the first Ferenghi (small, ugly, toothy people) to enter Starfleet Academy, even though his Uncle Quark tried to sabotage his exams. So maybe Uncle Bee's just Quark--a meddler & schemer, but no murderer. Just my Inner Sleazeball.
Pretty clear! My inner selves still routinely fight, and don't take it too seriously, because they have no experience with cooperation. Long as it's not civil war, why worry? So now that they keep the mayhem limited, they think they're a team. But I can't play pro ball (function as a true adult) till they learn to work together. And they barely know what that means. As High Commissioner, I have to spell it out--and enforce it. Even if it means I don't get to play as soon as I'd like.
2000 NOTE
Years before Ellen De Generes ignited a fundamentalist firestorm, Babylon-5 showed this lesbian couple routinely, with no public outrage...
MORAL: fundies don't watch science fiction, so go ahead and say what you like--no one will notice. We'll see if it's true of shamanic websites, too.
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