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Heart Chakra
Dreamed 2011/5/8 by Wayan
I was named the executor of my mom's estate. It's turned out to be complex. I spent today learning about estate expenses, and trying to sort ours into the slots on the tax forms...
I do take breaks--even work on a song: Keep it Simple, Stupid. Should I transpose it so it's easier to sing? But playing is harder for me than singing, so maybe I should leave it--the original key was as easy on my fingers as I could make it.
In the evening, watch Megamind. Not wildly original, but funny. How's this for a movie review: "More fun than doing taxes."
I massage the red-orange oil
into my smooth-shaven skin--
sleekly unreal, for I'm digital. In
Meatland, I'd never build up all
this muscle! Red is just initial
hue in a colorcode chakra tour.
They promised I'd be sexy. Smear
my rigid abs and bland crotch-dome
(no cock: for I'm a kid-friendly cart
oon goon) red. But that looks wrong,
this pelvic blush: red's for the heart!
So I midriff wash, and then I smush
red goo onto sternum and breast.
It isn't paint--translucent stain
that won't really take until rubbed in.
Puffy pecs, pneumatic chest--
so fake! Gotta wash my hands again
or I'll Macbeth the guilty walls. Next
the oil of orange, then yellow, green,
blue. Damn goo. Better pay off in sex.
- Computer-rendered body: Megamind's 3D animation. Dream-me is a bit like his beefy, jerky rival!
- Red can stain the house: I washed a copper pot that shed weird reddish sootflakes. Smeared my hands, they stained the fridge handle...
- Chakras, want to be sexier: Megamind's insecurity & pretenses?
- Chakras form a spectrum: hues traditionally associated with chakras go from red at the pelvic floor up through orange yellow green blue white and purple (varying a bit in the high chakras, but all models I know start at red). So dreaming I paint my pelvis red is actually right; the heart chakra's not red. Foundation first, heart later?
- First chakra: basic security, health, survival. Does it mean... the estate work? I'm eager to move on to higher issues than boring old bean-counting, but it has to be done right for the financial security of me, my sisters and nieces.
- ACTION: rub A&D into skin? Not red but a healing oil. But the dream hints I need a series of healing interventions--step by step, in order! Health & survival come first--before pleasure, fun, love, ambition, creativity, spirituality, ANYTHING! Lay the foundation first.
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The Sweet Wall
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