Horses of the Aquarius
Recurring dreams, 1956-1958 (age 2-3); poem 1972/6/24 (age 17), drawn 1982/12/11 (age 28); by Chris Wayan
My earliest memory is of being a horse living not far from a red rock cluster of crags I learned years later was Shiprock on the Navaho Reservation. For several years I led two alternating lives: a child in suburbia who had a recurring dream he was a wild horse in the high desert near Four Corners who had a recurring dream he was a small human child...
The Slickrock is part of the Colorado River canyonlands.
The Aquarius Plateau is a green sky-island in Utah, snowy in winter but heaven in summer. If you're a horse. Or a certain sort of human.
When I visited the Southwest on two legs, age 17, I spent a month in constant déjà vu.
About being a horse.
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