World Dream Bank home - add a dream - newest - art gallery - sampler - dreams by title, subject, author, date, places, names Winged horse in a woodblock print style, by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


1991 digital portrait of recurring dream-friend Silky, by Chris Wayan.

This slender, strong mare is how the flying horses in my dreams usually look.

A practical lot, they know flying is easier if they stay within weight limits.

I can relate; I've always been skinny.

I suspect these dreams come to reassure me that thin's not always anorexic, any more than fat's a moral failing.

You hear both, here in America.

Please be assured: I eat like a horse, and the dreams come partly to remind me of that.


When I painted this, most home computers had only 16 colors available.

I've always liked the rich, casual look of certain Japanese fabrics and woodblock prints, where each color has a grain to it, a slight brocade or marbling effect.

So I paired my colors up, making not-quite-identical twins. Then I made the most of them--all eight!

LISTS AND LINKS: horses - pegasii - Silky, my anima flying - sexy creatures - anorexia - (faux) woodblock prints, brushwork, art experiments, & digital art

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