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Perforated Backward Feed

Dreamed 1984/8/27 by Wayan

A device eats paper, plays it as music. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


Night. Our parents' house. My sister Althea & I argue over how to properly play music tapes on a big reel-to-reel tape recorder that (I realize only gradually) runs backward from the way we think!

And the music tapes are weird--wide, white perforated PAPER, folded (not coiled) on the floor, runs up to the machine; little sweepers clean it before it's fed to the recording & playback heads, and then stored on a roller. Less like a music player, curiously like a computer printer.


Another dreamlet last night starred the MASH character Radar--the shy, psychic kid who's their radio tech. When he appears in my dreams, it's often a hint that my dreams think I may be not just processing internal issues but picking up external stuff. So don't look too hard for symbolic meanings yet.

Besides, it's time to bike to work at the library.

Trouble with printers. So my boss Lisa pulls a stack of z-folded perforated paper out of one printer and puts it in another... ineptly. Backward from the way I would. It's a side of her I hadn't seen! She's so socially adept... but not, it seems, mechanically.

So... that image of the backwards paper-swallowing device wasn't some internal symbol but... whatever this is. Looks like that Radar hint was right.


This little dream is one of a set of apparently psychic dreamlets I'm adding to the World Dream Bank to strengthen its case that dreamworkers should keep their minds open about ESP. I've been a dreamworker half a century; when I began, ESP was (if not respectable) not an outrageous hypothesis. Now it's mostly associated with sixties excess, and rejected out of hand. It shouldn't be.

LISTS AND LINKS: strange devices - maintenance & repair - music & writing - computers - predictive dreams - psychic dreams in general - digital dream art - same dreamer, same night, SECOND psychic dream: Kim Sings - more Radar dreams: Radar's Bear - Jack Daniels

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