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Saucer through the Ruins

Dreamed 2023/9/23 by Wayan

I'm moving in with two sisters, one twenty, one just twelve or so--I don't know her as well, but I like both--very smart, with magic talent. Confused, as always, if I like the witch sisters for their brains, characters, looks, or just... auras. Their magic is like a gravity well, pulling me toward them.

One day the younger witch and her mom take me on a tour of the city--well, ex-city. Vast ruins, piles of rusting mechanical debris. We ride a flying saucer just two or three meters across; skimming the ground at first, but Little Witch & I both have latent powers, and levitating the saucer is great practice--it can't fly on its own. Gradually we get better at it; skim through urban canyons, then up through a huge hole in one anvil-shaped skyscraper.

A witch girl flying a saucer above a ruined city. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
Beyond is a tall parking tower. Still full of hundreds of half-crushed cars, bikes and choppers. I even spot a dead saucer or two. Find myself saying "Isn't it great? If you ever need bike or saucer parts, you can get them for free, just search through the rusty junk for, like, three years..."

Such mixed feelings! I personally have good reason to be happy: I found friends, love and magic. Yet beneath lies a stratum of sorrow and rage. Society as a whole has collapsed; no, people MADE it fall. And not from a single defining catastrophe; just a slow slump into a new Dark Age.


Go ahead, smash it all--I'll just go on building in the ruins.

LISTS AND LINKS: time travel - the future - magic & mages - flying dreams - cities - towers - ecology - apocalypse, or at least boom & bust - community - joy - love - triangles? - digitial dream art - same dreamer, same night: Rusty Underworld

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