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Venus Unveiled: A Gazetteer

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One of the larger Alpha Islands. It's a cat's cradle, a skein of submarine ridges 1000 km long that barely surface. Nowhere are you far from the sea. Warm and green, with pleasant subtropical hills around Kalombo Gulf in the north, dense tropical forests in its southwestern lowlands near Stuart Crater, and even rainier cloud forests in the Ninhursag Hills. Pachamaman jungles are merely Amazonian--no match for the superforests of the Lada Archipelago further south.
Pahto: 63, 113 E
An island east of Lada, part of the Flutra Chain. Pahto is a steep volcanic cone north of Flutra and east of Feruk. The climate's Mediterranean--grassy shores give way to wooded heights. Due east is larger Latmikaik; southeast are Deobaku, the Ruads, and Angrboda.
Isthmus of Pamela: 11 N, 238 E
More proof there are punsters on Venus? Or lots of Panamanians? No--there's a crater named Pamela on this narrow neck, linking what otherwise would be a Gashan-Ki Island, just south of Hecate Chasm, with the Ulfrun mainland. The result of the isthmus is theGashan-Ki Peninsula, some 2000 km long. To the south is Yuvkha Channel, to the northwest, Uotakh Channel, northeast is a cape logically called Pamela Head (what else'd be north of Pamela's Neck?), and east of that is Sulus Sound. All these ridges and valleys are part of Hecate Chasma. The Pamela region has mild, warm weather (under the shade of the equatorial rings), sustaining woods and permanent streams, but it's drier than most Cytheran coasts, because Aphrodite casts a long rainshadow here.
Lake Pani, Pani Mts: 17 N, 230 E
A narrow lake 300 km long, at the base of Cape Perchta, the wide green fin on the east side of Ulfrun (the "scorpion's tail" of Aphrodite). Lake Pani is fed by streams from the green Pani Mts to the northeast, with a few contributions from the drier ridges to the east. It drains into long Uotakh Sound to the southeast. The region's savanna with denser wooded strips along streams and lakeshores. Pines cover the uplands of Pani. The lake's rift is a branch of long Hecate Chasma. The Pani region has four or five more unnamed lakes to the west and south, one nearly as big as Pani.
Cape Panina, Panina Patera: 13 S, 310 E
Cape Panina's a twisting, rugged lobster claw 160 km long, groping into the Navka Sea off southeast Phoebe. It seems to be reaching for Ilithyia, 300 km east, or the Darago Islands 200 km north. Ilithyia's a volcano, and both Panina and Darago may be old lava flows--there are plenty of possible sources. Panina Patera, at the base of the cape, is a cliffwalled volcanic vent at least 30 km wide, now with a round lake reflecting the cliffs. Just to the north is Lake Ingrid, in a deep rift pointing directly at Panina. Further north is Mt Aleksota, a sort of giant volcanic pancake; to the west, looming over Lake Emma, are lovely Mt Ilga, a flawless Fuji cone, and hulking Mt Vupar, a Hawaiian-style shield volcano.
PARGA: 20 S, 240 E
1) Parga is a subcontinent, a twisting land-bridge 3000 km long, linking Phoebe and Themis. Rich in volcanoes and coronas as well as rift features, Parga is a chaotic Cytherean parody of Indonesia's volcanic arc. Parga's mostly wooded and warm, but not steamy like Themis--it's somewhat shaded and cooled by the rings, and its west end's at the edge of the long rainshadow created by southeast Aphrodite's deserts.
2) Parga Chasma is a complex series of rifts and ridges 6-8000 km long, winding from Mt. Maat on Aphrodite southeast through shallow seas, creating trenches and islands and a land-bridge between Phoebe and Themis. Parga is roughly the south border of the Hot Triangle, the region suspected to be the most volcanically active today on Venus--a wedge bounded by Beta, Themis and Mt Maat on Aphrodite.
Parra: 22 N, 78 E
Parra is a peculiar island as jagged as an ancient Chinese painting--an unbroken crag-field 120 km wide, though softened by lush trees and ponds in its cracks and hollows. It lies off Kunhild, south of Tellus and north of Aphrodite; Parra and Lullin to the north are stepping-stones for fliers between them.
Pasom-Mana Tessera: 34 S, 50 E
An island about 150 km long, east of Umay-Ene in the Alpha Islands. It's part of a strip of tessera (a regular mesh of ridges or mesas) some 2000 km long, on Umay-Ene. Between island and mainland is Zemlika Hole, a sunken corona that's formed a blue hole in the otherwise shallow sea. Further offshore are the Xiwang Mu Islands. Pasom-Mana's warm and green, though its tropical woods are modest next to mega-rainforests of the Lada Archipelago to the south. Pasom-Mana, by the way, is the Hopi goddess of madness and dreams.
PAVLOVA: 15 N, 40 E
a long terra (mega-island, over a million sq. km.) in the Eistla Archipelago, near the Jaws of Aphrodite. Formed of a wandering chain of large coronas, Pavlova ranges from dense subtropical forest in the Didilian Hills at its northwest end, to opener woods on northeastern Cape Ninmah, and a drier patchwork of woods and savanna in Isong in the southeast. In the center is Pavlova Corona itself, a bull's eye of concentric ridges with low cliffs ringing lakes in its sagging center. In the far southwest is long narrow rugged Cape Ojuz, and at the far east end, off Cape Romola, is Mead, a drowned impact crater some 250 km across, ringed in reefs and a few low islands.
Payne: 25 S, 195 E
A low, chunky island the size of Taiwan, off Cape Stanton in southeast Aphrodite. Payne-Gaposchkin Patera, an oval caldera at least 80 km across, gave the island its name. This black-cliffed crater is flooded now--its reflections are famous. The south shore's green; the north, open forest and savanna, with fewer perennial streams. To the north and east is shallow, leaf-shaped Payne Gulf, 500 km long and 100 wide, separating Stanton and Payne--probably. Payne's shorelines are low and rather uncertain; it may be a cape. But to the south, low ragged Gaposchkin, 250 km long, is definitely an island. To the west is Umaima Bay. Payne, like Stanton, is part of a chasma complex stretching to Imdr.
Pchilka: 23 N, 236 E
An island over 500 km long, off Cape O'Keeffe on the east coast of Ulfrun (the "scorpion's tail" of Aphrodite). Pchilka stretches east-west between Cape O'Keeffe and Acrea. It's mostly open woods, with some savanna on the south shore; the climate's uniformly warm and mild. Pchilka's named for a drowned caldera over 100 km offshore--the only named feature near this gentle, undistinguished rise. To the south is the Perchta Peninsula; to the northwest, the Yeska Islands.
Cape Peggy and Peggy Sound: 21 S, 0 E
The largest cape and bay in western Alpha. Cape Peggy, just north of the sound, is 150 km long, with narrow Peggy Island extending the ridge another 100 km into the Lavinia Sea. The sound winds 500 km into the heart of Alpha, nearly meeting Dudumitsa Sound to the north and Virga Sound to the east. Only to the south does Alpha really decide to be a continent, not a maze of fjords; here are the Nadia Mts, highest in Alpha. The Peggy coast is a steep, scenic, chaotic mass of ridges and valleys. The foothills are subtropical, the uplands cool and mild. Western slopes are forested, while eastern ones are savanna and open woods.
Cape Peña: 25 S, 190 E
Cape Pena (I'll omit the tilde in case it displays wrong on your browser) is a peninsula 600 km long and 1-200 wide, on the south shore of Aphrodite. To the west across Aditi Sound is Cape Klafsky. To the east, over Umaima Bay are Payne and huge Cape Stanton.
Cape Penardun: 60 S, 340 E
Penardun is a long (500 km) narrow tongue sticking north into the Lavinia Sea from West Lada; the most prominent feature on the Lavinia coast. Penardun's base is near Lake Naijok; its tip is due west of Mt Tarbell, though it's too far offshore be seen from the summit. Its climate is mild and maritime, supporting broadleaf forests at the tip, a bit drier and more open in the south, where some meadows open up. Nike Bay, between cape and coast, is about 150 km wide, shallow, sheltered, and warm for this latitude, with small coral reefs--perhaps the southernmost on Venus.
A wide green fin 1200 km long, on the east side of Ulfrun (the "scorpion's tail" of Aphrodite). At Perchta's base, pine forests cover the Pani Mts above long Lake Pani. The gentler Perchta Hills in the cape's center are mixed woods and meadows, with denser wooded strips along streams and lakeshores. At the tip is the tallest peak in the region, volcanic Mt. Nazit, often snowcapped--well, at least dusted.
Cape Persephone: 30 S, 307 E
Persephone is a hilly corona with a central lake in northeast Themis. Cape Persephone, 500 km long, extends north toward the Nepthys Peninsula on Dione, over narrow Oakley Strait. Cape Persephone's a crucial flyway between Themis and Dione. The bay between Themis and Nepthys, 600 km across, is called the Gulf of Persephone.
Perunitsa Fossae: 9 S, 302 E
A range of long ridges and canyons in southeast Phoebe. Perunitsa looks like Appalachia or the Blue Mts in Australia. The long cliff-walled canyons intersect now and then, but don't wind or branch like erosional canyons--more like an old cutting-board scarred by a chef's cleaver. Perunitsa is open forest, denser down in the canyons, which now have creeks and finger lakes. In the north, the fossae end in the tessera field of Dolya; in the south is Bascom Crater, Lake Emma and Mt Muru. Offshore are Cape Wen Shu and Poloznitsa Lagoon.
The Isle of Phaedra: 35 N, 253 E
a green island west of Asteria, off Zamine. Phaedra is open forest with a few meadows. The climate's warm, mild, and maritime. Not big or important--just a nice place to live with a wonderful name.
PHOEBE: 10 S, 285 E
a large equatorial continent, nearly rivaling Ishtar. Like its northern neighbor Beta, north Phoebe is dominated by mountains around the long Devana Chasm. In the south, Dzerassa Bay nearly cuts Phoebe in two. Both East and West Phoebe have fertile south and west coasts, with rainshadow deserts inland and to the east. Northeast Phoebe, called Dolya, is tesserated--a grid of grassy mesas and wooded canyons. South of this is wide, marshy Lake Emma, the heart of a greener region, including Cape Aleksota and the far southeastern peninsula, Cape Iweridd. West Phoebe is a series of wooded ranges sinking into the Hecate and Gunda Seas, forming long peninsulas: Cape Chimon-Mana, Cape Rabie, the Isthmus of Udaltsova, Cape Ellen. Between these, like webbing between fingers, are wide prairies dotted with shallow lakes and marshes, veined with tree-lined streams from the high rugged Devana Mts around central Dzerassa Bay. Southwest Phoebe ends in the wide Pinga Peninsula, where half a dozen lesser ridges radiate out from Mt. Yunya-Mana.
Phyllis: 11 N, 132 E
An island 120 km across in the Niobe Ocean just off central Aphrodite. Oval Phyllis is hilly enough to snag raincloud--unfortunately, it's so near the Hasstse-baad Desert on the mainland that there aren't many. Phyllis manages grass and brush, but few trees or permanent streams. To the north are the somewhat greenerKubeba Islands.
Pinga is the wide southwest end of Phoebe. Pinga's coast is fertile, with drier, grassy steppes inland, between the wooded spurs from Mt.Yunya-Mana at the south end of of the Devana Range. In the far south are the parallel ridges of Pinga Chasma, ending in Atai Head. Offshore in Dzerassa Sound lies Kwannon Island, also part of the Pinga complex, and a natural flyway to Thetis.
Lake Pocahontas: 66 N, 60 E
A lake in northeast Ishtar about the size of Lake Erie, named for Mt Pocahontas west of it. The Pocahontas region is dry for Venus--the lowlands are mostly oak savanna, with hot days, cool foggy nights, and light rains at most. Sparse pine forests cover the cooler highlands, which get more rain, but also some frost.
Mt Podaga: 60 S, 0 E
A volcanic cone in northern West Lada, overlooking Podaga Bay, a sound curving 200 km south and east. Lake Podaga, south of the peak, lies in the same curving trough. 200 km further south is the flooded impact crater now called Lake Alcott. Pogoda is outside the torrid zone but catches so much rain it's mantled in temperate rainforest. North of the mountain, the Lhamo Peninsula is covered in tessera.
Mt Polik-mana: 22 N, 262 E
Polik-mana Volcano, 600 km across, dominates the mountains of central Asteria (the western subcontinent of Beta). Its western slope is verdant--the largest unbroken chunk of forest on Beta, and one of the lushest.
Pölöznitsa Lagoon: 0 S, 302 E
Poloznitsa Lagoon (I'll spell it without umlauts here, just to be sure at least one version of the name doesn't get hashed by your browser) is a warm shallow bay 220 km wide, on the east coast of Phoebe, on the equator, between Cape Cape Rhpisunt and Wen Shu Bay. The lagoon is a major calving site for whales. A low bulbous peninsula leads out into the center of this round bay, like a pier. Outside sandy Poloznitsa Island, the arcuate barrier island across the mouth of the bay, are the Laufey Islands--larger, rougher, and greener.
Cape Ponselle: 63 S, 300 E
Ponselle is the tail that wags the dog--this long, rugged, twisting peninsula comprises over a third of Neringa's landmass. Cape Ponselle's climate resembles Italy or California--mild, light rains, with rare frosts restricted to the peaks. A patchwork of conifers, oaks and meadows cover the slopes, which drop steeply into the sea. Offshore are Nakai and the Jane Islands linking Neringa to the mainland of Lada.
Poranica Bay, on the south shore of Aphrodite, just east of Dali Chasma, is a complex of subtropical sounds the size of the Aegean Sea. An island arc much like Crete's shelters the outer sound from the Aino Ocean. A narrow strait between Cape Flidais and Cape Klafsky leads to the trilobed inner bay; each lobe is several hundred km long. Both north-south and east-west, the complex is 1000 km across. Just inland, Henwen Plain is a steppe 700 km wide, cupped on three sides by rugged ridge-and-chasm territory. Lake Henwen, in its southeast, is some 250 km long, and drains into Poranica Bay.
Potter: 7 N, 313 E
Potter's one of the Central Navka Islands, off Phoebe. It's roughly the size and shape of Jamaica--180 km long, 80 wide. Potter's near the equator, under the rings, so its climate is mild. The cool equatorial air creates a dry, high-pressure zone, so Potter's mostly prairie--only the hills and riverbanks are wooded. Potter is NOT named for Harry. Beatrix! And with its name, mild climate, isolation, grassy hills, and loose dry soil good for digging, it's inevitable that chip-augmented meter-long rabbits with opposable thumbs live here, though in burrows more reminiscent of Watership Down than Peter Rabbit. Still, they're communes, not the old alpha-male hierarchies. Visitors are welcome, but claustrophobes may have difficulties. Don't wear nice clothes. In fact, don't wear clothes. You'll probably get teased, but you never know. Megarabs are flirtatious, after all. Be careful or you'll end up at the bottom of the furpile in a bunny orgy. (Need I repeat the warning to claustrophobes here?)
Where was I? Oh--to the east are the Nang-byon Islands; to the south is Kala, then much larger Var with its peculiar equine experiment, the licornes. Northwest is huge Atanua, where humans, equines and big cats live in (somewhat uneasy) harmony.
Prthivi: 12 N, 248 E
Prthivi is an island 450 km long in the northern Hecate Sea east ofUlfrun. Prthivi's climate is mild; drier and less lush than Polynesia, but pleasant, with coastal groves and meadows, and conifer forests in the central hills. The three highest peaks have prairies and pocket deserts on their east sides, and modest rainforests on their wests. In the southeast, narrow Cape Rind stretches 200 km. Geologically, Rind's not part of Prthivi at all, but part of the rim of Rind Corona, a classic "blue hole" 200 km wide. To the west, over Prthivi Channel, is Cape Gashan-Ki, a land nearly the size of England, linked to Aphrodite by a land-bridge 1000 km long. To the north, across Sulus Channel, the spectacular Wyrd Range rises straight out of the sea, jagged and snowcapped.
Ptah: 14 N, 118 E
A sharp V shape 200 km long in the Niobe Ocean, off Thetis in central Aphrodite. Part of the Gegute Islands, Ptah's distinctive feature is how it ends--a knife-slash hundreds of meters deep, kilometers wide, and laser-straight for 200 km. To the west across the fjord is Ptah's big sister Merit. Both isles are rugged clusters of grass-topped mesas dropping to wooded canyons--or coral bays. Northwest is spectacular Allatu; due north, arcuate Omeciauatl; due east, hilly Bhumiya.
Ptesanwi: 0 N, 45 E
A volcanic cone rising from the sea, off the tip of Cape Salus, in the Manatum region (far western Aphrodite--the scorpion's jaws. Mt. Ptesanwi is the highest peak in Salus, though Mt. Calokomana, further offshore, may be higher. Both their slopes support cedar forests and alpine meadows, with summits high enough to experience night and morning snow.
Pugos: 19 S, 335 E
a subtropical island 120 km long, northeast of Dione in the Guinevere Sea. Pugos (named for a Siberian protective goddess) is fairly dry for Venus, with grassy coasts and open woods in the central hills. Pugos is small but much visited by fliers island-hopping between the mainlands of Themis and Dione to the 6000-km-long Navka Archipelago to the north. Due south is the little isle of Astrid. Vasilisa, largest of the Navkas, is 300 km due north.
Puluga: 67 S, 210 E
A long, low polar island or islands in the Helen Sea, due south of Imdr. Due to the poor quality of south polar altimetry I'm not sure if Puluga's a thousand-km cresent of low, grassy ridges, like some huge sandbar, with satellite islands, or just a chain of two or more long sand-spit islands. Either way, they shelter a great crescent-bay to the north, which is dotted with either reefs (non-coral) or small islands. The climate is cool and dry for Venus, with more drizzle than rain. Days are sunny and mild, or foggy and cool. Though it's polar, Puluga never freezes.

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Map of terraformed Venus. Mountains are white, highlands gold, lowlands brown.
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