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Venus Unveiled: A Gazetteer

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Rabie: 10 S, 262 E
Cape Rabie is a ridgy peninsula 1000 km long--the western tip of Phoebe. Rabie divides the landlocked little Gunda Sea to the south from Rabie Bay (a narrow arm of Nin Bay) to the north. At the very tip of Cape Rabie stands rainy Mt. Uretsete, a fair-sized volcano. The peninsula is rather Italian in climate as well as size.
Radunitsa: 12 S, 353 E
Radunitsa is a low but rugged wedge of land 250 km long, in the southern Guinevere Sea, just north of the Dudumitsa Islands. Radunitsa has long beaches fronted by palms below rugged green hills, in a mild warm climate--drier than Tahiti, but similar. Aside from its beauty, Radunitsa is much visited because it's on the only flyway from Ishtar and Eistla down to Dione and Themis in the southwest, and Navka Archipelago to the northwest. It's named after the Radunitsa Labyrinth, a maze of lava flows now drowned in the Guinevere Sea 200 km north of the island. Radunitsa's nearest neighbors are the small Nichka Islands to the northeast.
Rae Sound: 10 S, 50 E
A gulf/lake complex in western Aphrodite, separating the "scorpion's tongue" from its lower jaw. Rae Lake, in the north, is 400 km wide, and feeds into the Sound proper, a three-armed bay some 600 km long, opening to the south into the Tahmina Sea. The shores are wooded, warm, mild (equatorial but shielded by the rings). The east side has dramatic red cliffs capped in green--the edge of the Manatum Tessera (see).
Rakapilo: 44 S, 321 E
Rakapilo is a mountainous island 120 km across, off the west coast of Hathor, in southern Dione. Mt Rakapilo, a steep volcanic cone, is one of the higher mountains in the region. The island is all dense hardwood rainforest in the heart of the Megazoic zone, except on Rakapilo's eastern shoulder, where the mountain's formed a rainshadow--not of desert or grassland, but merely of open forest where it only rains 1 m a year (40 inches) instead of 12 (480 inches)!
RALK DESERT: 12 S, 110 E
one of Venus's largest deserts, Ralk is a basin in west-central Aphrodite, between Ovda and Thetis. A rough square 800 km across, Ralk is high desert, with dry grass in the north where a few coastal storms penetrate, and brushy hills inland, where a few streams descend from the highlands of Ovda and Thetis and the Ralk-Umgu Range to the south, feeding ponds and marshes around the rim. But much of the basin is dead--red hills, black lava flows. There's one small ecological island, the small, steep Ralk Mts, in the center--an orphaned bit of highland forest sending streams down to die in the desert. But really, the highlands are the problem. The ranges on three sides cut off Ralk from rain--it never had a chance. It's the closest thing to an untouched patch of Old Venus's desert--just 400 degrees colder! In a way, the climate's harsher now--at least the heat used to be constant. Ralk now goes from unpleasantly hot in the week-long day (unusual in this equatorial region shaded by Venus's rings) to frosty at night.
Rauni Island: 39 N, 277 E
A densely forested tropical island, 100 km long, on Beta's northwest shore, off Lida Bay. Rauni catches torrid-zone storms from the Kabel Sea, and is hot, lush rainforest. Rauni somewhat shelters Lida Bay--still warm and rainy, but not a steambath. To the west over a deep 300-km channel is similar but much larger Yuki-Onne Island.
Cape Recambier: 13 S, 55 E
The southwest tip of Manatum (western Aphrodite). Cape Recambier is the tip of the lower jaw of Aphrodite's scorpion-shape. Around 500 km long and 150 wide, Recambier shelters Rae Bay. The land is warm, fertile, but tesserated--a two-level forest with abrupt red cliffs everywhere.
Lake Reiko: 27 S, 195 E
A broad, shallow lake 400 km across, in northeast Atla (east Aphrodite). To the south and west rise the Nokomis Mts; to the east, the Ardwinna Hills; to the north are only low coastal hills along the Ganiki Sea. The region is broadleaf forest with a mild climate, much rainier than over the mountains.
Cape Reitia: 56 S, 92 E
A cape on the northeast coast of East Lada, running over 500 km due north into the Aino Sea. Its warm rainy climate resembles Central America. Reitia's part of a chasma system extending from the highest peak on East Lada, Mt Lanig; Reitia Chasma continues far out to sea, but only surfaces once more, as Triglava Island.
MT RHEA: 34 N, 284 E
the highest mountain (4 km) in northern Beta, rising above Devana Chasm, much like the Ruwenzori does over the East African Rift. Now it appears it's not volcanic, as previously thought, but a huge dome. Stay tuned...
Cape Rhpisunt: 3 N, 302 E
a wide shield volcano forming a cape in east Phoebe, near the Dolya Tessera. Rhpisunt's a triangular peninsula 250 km across. The climate's mild but fairly dry, so the coast is grassland with riverine woods; the mountain heights are open forest. It's the only part of Phoebe for 1000 km that isn't covered in tessera.
Rigatona Bay: 33 S, 280 E
A bay on Themis's north coast, creating the isthmus dividing Themis and Parga. Cape Rigatona is the tortuous promontory north of the bay--it not only bends back on itself but actually spirals. The bay is coral country; its shores are open woods and meadows; the climate's warm and maritime--mild for Themis, which is mostly steamy. The Rigatona Hills, inland, are the source of the name; they're a classic "target" corona, with concentric ring-ridges, cupping several quite beautiful arcuate lakes. Just north of Cape Rigatona is Obiemi Bay, similar in size. To the east, in the mouth of the bay, are the parallel slivers of the Erigone Islands.
Riley Is., Cape Riley: 12 N, 70 E
The Riley Islands follow a winding east-west chasma through Adivar Bay, north of Manatum (west Aphrodite. The two main islands are like hands cupping the central blue channel. They're low but rough, and 3-400 km long; lesser islands stretch 1000 km west almost to the huge sunken crater of Mead. North of the islands is Riley Channel, then Cape Riley on the much larger island of Lemkechen. To the south, over Huraru Channel, is Cape Huraru below the Hestia Mts.
Rind Hole: 10 N, 247 E
Rind Corona has formed a round "blue hole" 200 km wide, in the shallow northern Hecate Sea east of Ulfrun. Arcuate islands ring the hole--the Rinds, from one to thirty km long. The islands are drier and less lush than Polynesia, but pleasant, with savanna and dune-grass behind the long beaches, and mixed woods inland. The larger islands have small streams--they may be flat, but they aren't coral, after all. While the geology's quite different, Rind does look astonishingly like a Terran atoll. But the colors are inside out: an indigo eye (with green lashes) on a turquoise face, while true atolls are light spots on an azure sea. The longest arc on the rim (200 km) isn't a free-floating island at all, but narrow Cape Rind, on the north edge, linked topographically (if not geologically) to Prthivi Island to the northeast, a large, hilly corona quite independent of the Rind complex. A similar pseudo-island's on the west rim: Akeley is linked by a spit to Cape Gashan-Ki and the mainland. But 300 km southwest is a second true-blue hole with classic rim-islands: Sobra.
Lake Rodina : 40 S, 300 E
A narrow, deep mountain lake 300 km long in east-central Themis, nestled between the Ukemochi Mts and the Rodina Range. Rodina is the westernmost of a chain of six great lakes winding 1600 km through the mountain chasmas of central Themis, collectively called the High Lakes. The region is hot and rainy, though being an upland somewhat sheltered by mountains, it's less steamy and stormy than the Themis lowlands--but that just means six meters of rain a year instead of 12.
Romanskaya Bay: 23 N, 178 E
This shallow, island-spangled bay, 700 km long and 500 wide, is a tongue of Rusalka Bay, poking into the west coast of Atla (northeast Aphrodite). Subtropical forest covers the coast and islands; coral reefs line the shores of the many narrow, sheltered sounds. A gentle region suitable for a wide spectrum of intelligent species, including gorillas, lemurs, humans and angels, parrots and ravens, bears, wolves, leopards, and offshore, octopi. To the north is the Athena Peninsula; to the south, the similar Caccini Peninsula; the Nokomis Mts rise inland.
Cape Romola: 12 N, 55 E
a triangular peninsula, the east end of Pavlova in the Eistla Archipelago. Romola's end of the great island has opener woods, as on northeastern Cape Ninmah and the dry patchwork of woods and savanna in Isong just west of Romola. Offshore is Mead, a drowned impact crater some 250 km across, ringed in reefs and a few low islands.
Rosna Tholi, Rosna Is.: 27 S, 73 E
A chain of small islands south of Dylacha, in the Tahmina Sea. The Rosna Tholi resemble the Aleutians on Earth, though of course the weather's better: a line of steep little volcanic cones rising from the sea, quite unlike the sea-cliffs of Dylacha or the long, nameless island just to their east--a severed finger of Dylacha's tessera field. The Rosnas have grassy shores and slopes, with wooded uplands--even small cloud forests on the higher peaks.
The Ruad Islands: 69, 118 E
A group of small, volcanic islands east of Lada, part of the Flutra Chain. The climate's Mediterranean. None of the Ruads are more than 20 km wide, and most are far less--mostly rocky, grassy cones too windy for most trees, like warmer Aleutians. They're just south of Deobako in the center of the chain. Volcanic Angrboda lies due south; to the north past Deobako is Latmikaik, to the east, lonely Katl-Imi, and to the west, Flutra itself, by far the largest.
Ruit Bay: 25 S, 72 E
Ruit is a sound 250 km wide between Dylacha and its western satellite Nishtigri, in the Tahmina Sea, southwest of Aphrodite. Ruit Bay is spectacular--mostly cliffs rising from deep water; creating vertical coral gardens. Dylacha's to the north, Nishtigri to the west; in the southeast are the smaller Rosna Tholi, a chain of volcanic cones like tropical Aleutians. The climate is mild, with grassy plateaus atop the cliffs, which are dissected by deep, wooded tessera-canyons.
a huge equatorial bay, a sea really, in east-central Aphrodite; part of the Niobe Ocean. Cape Zaryanitsa, an irregular 1200-km-long tongue, splits the bay into equal-sized east and west arms. The west coast is dry and steep; the east is broad, forested Rusalka Plain; to the south is the Zemina Range.
Cape Rzhanitsa and the Rzhanitsa Islands: 17 S, 212 E
Cape Rzhanitsa, about 150 km long and wide, is a hilly peninsula in southeast Aphrodite, just west of Cape Mbokomu. Off its tip are at least half a dozen islands stretching 150 km further southeast. Grassy and semi-arid, with sparse nocturnal rains, the region is friendlier than the wide Jokwa Desert inland--but that's not saying much. To the west is similar Cape Kolias, to the south, green Inacho Island.

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Map of terraformed Venus. Mountains are white, highlands gold, lowlands brown.
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