Werewolf Transference
Dreamed fall 1997? by Larry Vigon
I was being chased by a werewolf. After a long time
I became fed up with the situation. I stopped and confronted the werewolf
and then I became the werewolf.
I seemed to change from the classic Wolfman of the old films
to a human with the head of a real wolf. I remember feeling good in this form.
I was in control of the werewolf spirit, and able to keep from being mean spirited.
Source: Larry Vigon's book Dream, 2006. Unpaged, dreams untitled. Rough-dated from sequence; title added.
This is brave dreamwork! Not only turning to face the nightmare, but having the instinctive good sense not to fight the beast but to become it--and that calms things down. Jung would approve.
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