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Why Me?

Dreamed 1991/7/22 by Karen Smith

Extremely disturbing dream.
It started out great. I was flying like an eagle over Sun Valley in the spring, peaccfully circling and enjoying the landscape. This was by far the best flying I have ever done in a dream.

Gradually the town changed from Sun Valley into a Bavarian-style village with a coastline.

When I landed in the village, I was in some sort of military compound. I was in a uniform and seemed to be a part of the international army that was stationed there. The three other soldiers I remember most were a woman in her late 20's (dark eyes, rather long brown hair), a short, plump man with dark hair and a bald spot, and a huge muscular man who said he was an Israeli.

At one point, I had a dream within the dream. We had all gone to sleep in bunk beds in the barracks. I suddenly had an extremely vivid and horrible image of the bodies of the woman and the shorter man. They were entangled in a drift net under the water and had obviously been there a long time.

When I woke from the subdream, I told the woman about it and she started to cry, "Why does it have to be me? It has to be someone, but why does it have to be me?"

When I actually awoke, I was drenched with sweat and deeply agitated. I am still upset. It has been a long time since I have had this sort of dream and it is really bothering me.


I've had oracular dreams; but I think this is the first time I've read a dream where you the dreamer are an oracle for a dream figure!

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol III, No. 4: Oct. 1991; Gloria Reiser, coordinator; Judy Landaiche, editor. Passage untitled; "Why me?" added to aid searches.

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