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The History of Energy

Dreamed 2021/2/19 by Wayan

On the web I find a strange animation, "The History of Energy". The figures are just small cartoons & silhouettes at first. We start off with...

I figure that's it, as clean as it gets. The bike can't be towed by any...
Pedestrians, horses, a steam train, a pickup truck, an electric car, a solar bicycle and a dragon flying a witch-broom. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

Yes, it can. By a broom. A witch's broom, woven round with a sort of lacy shell of flowering vines, so the broom's just the drive train and seat of a levitating egg of life, an air-garden.

The rider's a small dragon, sipping tea. A dragon flying a witch-broom, sipping tea. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

She winks and says to me, not quite quoting Arthur Clarke, "The most efficient energy source is magic."

You heard it straight from the dragon's mouth...


LISTS AND LINKS: energy - maps & charts - time - the future - horses, trains, cars, bikes - weird beings - dragons - Puff - flying - magic & mages - pencil dream art

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