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Dreamed twice--1993/5/11 and 5/15 by Wayan

When she flew home, she left her cloak. I try it on.
As disguise, or to take her role on? She cut
quite a figure in our town:
power, renown.

Odd pocket-sleeve at the throat: a hood for her foot-
long neck and slender head--not human at all.
Now I recall

that face--a swan-neck feathered saur, less beaky
(but quite as quick-strike snaky) as any Terran

The hood wards off an alien wizard

one that friends all warned I'll need some shelter from.
But as I read the pamphlet (for sheltercloaks come
manualed) I learn these sorcerers hit aliens alone.
I needn't jam my fat Earth head into her hood;
I'm good.

Well, nearly. Cape's too small for me--can't pull off
her flowing glide. She was half a meter shorter
than bony me. Only if I kneel doth cape

Oh, what if I just stand up human-tall--
just call

cloak a minidress! I long to acquire some gravitas,
but why copycat, in my hunger to change,
her unique, inherent

Dream sketch by Wayan.

NOTES IN THE MORNING Dream sketch by Wayan.

Dreamed twice. In the first I saw only the hooded cape and recalled the alien woman. In the second I saw her in the hood, then they fused; and this was the dream where I learned I didn't need to jam into that narrow hood or hunch to mimic her shortness.

So what WAS this bird-woman-coat-alien? A spiritual stance, a way of being, an "assemblage point" as Castaneda calls it? Or a external entity I encountered--a dream-spook so strange I struggled to see it clearly, interpreted it as person one second, laundry the next?

On waking I recalled the refrain of Yeats's poem Apparitions:

"Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
the worst a coat upon a coat-hanger."

It/she sure felt like that. A Material Girl indeed! Cloth, then spirit, then featherflesh, then...

So what's it mean, this Fashion Apparition? 25 years later, I'm still unsure. All I do get is...

I thought I needed some kind of exotic armor or disguise--and was firmly shown I didn't.

LISTS AND LINKS: aliens - dinosaurs - herons - birds in general - spirits - weird dream beings - weird dream devices - clothes & fashion - size matters! - shamanic dreams - shells & armor - advisory dreams - digital & pastel dream art - Yeats

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