Iceberg Wranglers
for all our Titanic dead (legged or fluked)
Dreamed 2015/8/4 by Wayan
Professor Ahab's elegant in French,
but saltier in Yank: "I long to spur transcendence in these scurvy curs!" Aye, in tests his pupils unimpress-- beached, yelping seal-pups. And yet O the fieldtrips! Once his students leap
How do Ahab's flock pierce olive murk?
I can only spot clear ice-halls athrust Well above waterline, letting me deduce Gibraltar mass beneath the muddy jade. I'm seablind, but a fair ice-wrangler. Too
But O to have these pupils' skill
The Transcendentalist Dour and I
"You strive to rack your pupils till
"They need no high eye. Sonar below!
"of Ahab's need? Remember the fall
Ahab looked at me. I woke
Tip-tug the monster block!
Hard brontosaurus waltz. I do it, full of faults: Lack that sonar knack. |
But dive in, wriggle, seek!
Do your best to wrangle. For even awkward angle Beats Titanic wreck. |
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