"I Want Your Dreams"
Dreamed 1995/11/17 by Mark
I'm in an amusement park with my friend Dee. After a ride, I'm alone wondering what to try next, when mid-air in front of my face, white letters appear, inches high, 3D, as if molded from clay. Like a breach in the universe, an entity from elsewhere bursting in. The letters say
I'm terrified. With all my being I shout "NO!" In that moment I thought of Marco Polo's twenty years of travel, till his travels were HIM. I'm the same, twenty years of dreamwork and meditation, it's in my bones, taking it will kill me! Second flash of a cerebral palsy victim struggling for 20 years to play the piano--being asked to give up that mastery. It's not the same as asking some prodigy to surrender an easy gift.
I picture the solidity of the earth beneath me and sink into it, wrap myself in it, safe--swim slowly through earth. Meet a mole, and follow it through roots and rocks. Stop when I feel exhausted and knows I have to stop dreaming, this is my limit.
Wake up to find in astonishment I'm not where I went to sleep! As if my earth-swimming vision had real results, was real motion. Then realize I'm still at the amusement park, in my dream, not in waking world.
I wake again--in my bed this time.
Uh-oh. I think that scary being is me. My friend Mark called me and told me this dream in 1995. I wrote it in my journal. I wasn't putting others' dreams on the Web then--I was just starting the first version of the World Dream Bank, with 100 or so of my own dreams. But now, in 2020, I collect dreams from everyone I meet. I even use this exact phrase--"I want your dreams!"
In January 2020, I was transcribing an old journal of my own dreams, flipped the page, and found this...
And it's true. I do want it. Next time he calls me, I'll say...
[I said it. He laughed and said "sure, post it".]
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