The World Dream Bank
RELATED TOPICS: computers and the Web - robots and artificial intelligence - what if you're an AI?: cross-platform dreams - TV dreams - news media - oracles - community and belonging - literary dreams - movie dreams - language - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
AFTER THE BANG: by Wayan; 2001/5/16, a poem on the World Dream Bank. The Big Bang happens, you're inspired, you make something of it... then what? The Big Whimper? |
APPLY FOR PRIORITY: by Wayan; 2000/7/11, a dream about taking yourself seriously While building the World Dream Bank, I dream a hacker says "certain remarkable sites get free fast access; you should apply..." |
ART TAKES GUTS: by Wayan; 1982/12/26, ink, 11x14", a confessional doodle. Why this site? Because if I'm around when you see my dream art, I feel like THIS... |
BOX: by Wayan; 1991? Digital self-portrait as dreamer trapped on the Web. So exactly how is posting all these dreams different from crawling naked inside your screen?. CAUTION: NUDITY |
CENTAUR AUDITION: by Wayan; 2012/1/7 and 2012/1/30, two linked Pygmalion dreams Non-dream centaur ballerinas invade my dreams, because they long to be in the World Dream Bank... CAUTION: BARBIE CENTAUR NUDITY, CASTING-COUCH OVERTONES |
DREAM MILKING: by Wayan, 2000/6/30, a dream warning of overwork... but awake or asleep? After a hard day getting a "free" bed, I dream my milker comes to drain my dreams. Wait...did I agree to this? Or does milking drain objections, too? CAUTION: CREEPY |
DREAM-TAN: by Madellyne Waugh; late April 2010, a digital, institutional avatar I've been drawing a personification of the World Dream Bank. Nerdy, but most of your readers are nerds... |
FOR WORLD DREAM BANKERS: by Patagia; 2007/9/21, a praise-poem for dreamers Dreamwork takes discipline, but writing and painting dreams for others takes even more: courage! |
FOUR OF TEN: by Wayan; 2021/4/3, four examples from ten dreams in one night Books are clothes, and always were. A potato makes me lie, and everyone gets it but me. Sex in a crowd disarms the Mom Squad! And a Mystic Autistic's soul explores my room... CAUTION: PUBLIC SEX? PROBABLY. |
GENRE NICHES: by Wayan, 2008/4/17, a dreamlet of literary advice A friend claims literary "personalities"--humorist, craftsman, kook, lowbrow--are really just marketing niches. So write as you like! If readers like you, industry will make a niche for you, almost arbitrarily... CAUTION: FOR WRITERS ONLY. OR IS IT? |
HER STINGY DAD: by Wayan; 1998/7/29, a dreamtale on parental ambition-stunting A single dad loves his daughter, but is so pathologically cheap he's teaching her an unintended lesson... CAUTION: CHILD NEGLECT |
"I WANT YOUR DREAMS": by Mark Varitz; 1995/11/17; a shamanic nightmare; predictive? At an amusement park, big 3D letters appeared in the air, saying "I WANT YOUR DREAMS". Terrified, I dived underground... |
LAKOTA TRAINSCAPES: by Wayan; 2018/10/30, art seen in an anti-lucid dream In a general store on a High Plains rez, I find two surreal collaged postcards. If only this were a dream they'd qualify for the World Dream Bank, but sadly, it isn't. Right? CAUTION: STUPID, STUPID CONSCIOUS! |
MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES: by Wayan, 2017/9/14, a reassuring dream. Sort of. I worry I'm overworking, but my dream says life's so crash-prone you should let creative frenzy happen... |
NET PROFITS: by Wayan; 1998/7/14, a dream of family values and Web credit. At a family picnic, my sisters and I fish for scholarships and grants. They put down my art, my website... |
SALTY DOG: by Wayan, 2024/1/24; a surreal prescriptive dream I sit on a half-flooded pier and read a dream-journal--the first ever written by a dog. But I can't interview the dreamer; the dog followed a fad diet and just died of excess salt... |
SELF-POSSESSED: by Wayan; a 2000/7/10 dream of a ghost (representing the World Dream Bank itself?) In a pizzeria, customers walk blindly through a ghost; briefly possessed, they echo his moods. But for such an insubstantial figure, he seems strangely stable... |
SHIP OF JADE: by Wayan; 2009/11/7, an illustrated dreampoem on dreampoetry! Dreamverse #64 My dreams are made of lovely carvable jade. Too bad my tools and skills suit our plastic age... |
THREE WAYS TO FLY: by Wayan; 2010/11/10, a dream urging the World Dream Bank to shift I'm shown pictures of three different magical ways to fly. But the third shows no actual flight--just someone giving away the magical means... |
TIBETAN DISASSEMBLY: by Wayan; 2007/7/5, a dream of a desperate ploy A woman in Tibet disassembles herself! A local god hires her spirit, but she uses the office equipment to backup her memories and... CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME |
VERITY, TOO?: by Wayan; 2000/11/5, a comic nightmare with good advice--if I avoid Freud! My art mentors turn on me! My mom the painter says I'm genetically inferior, and then my art teacher Verity sits on my head (ow!) and chants... |
THE WEB-BIRD LED ME: by Wayan; 1992/8/13; digital sketch previsioning the World Dream Bank? Maybe the web like a shining dove will lead me from my lonely cave into the light. The glaring light... Wait! That can't be right! CAUTION: SEPIA HALFTONE NUDITY |
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