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Jesus Heads

Dreamed by Jim Shaw, c.1994.


There was this painted head of Jesus with statues of saints inserted into his face and beard. Then I saw another, tortured Jesus with suffering statues inserted.

Giant Jesus heads in a museum, inset with saints and sufferers. Dream sketch by Jim Shaw. Click to enlarge.


In the empty lot behind our old house were half-buried, giant coffee cups, about 45 of them.

Huge half-buried coffee cups in a back yard. Dream sketch by Jim Shaw. Click to enlarge.

SOURCE: Jim Shaw's Dreams, Jan. 1995, Smart Art Press. Dreamed 1987-95, probably 1994.


Yep, suffering's not my cup of tea...

No, really, why'd I post this example of Shaw's dreams?

  1. They're featured on the cover of his book. Rightly so. Big, bold, and representative of his dreams--and art.
  2. They're so nicely paired! Huge fake faces injected with drama, and then huge... mugs. Of the other kind. But more honestly empty.
Oh wait, some readers won't get the dream-pun. In early 20th Century America, 'mug' was slang for 'face'. Over a century ago--in Freud's time--Havelock Ellis theorized that dreams can mull over the multiple meanings of a word or phrase, yet never explicitly mention it in the dream. This pair of dreamlets are a perfect example. All night, monster mugs. It's not Shaw's only Ellisian dream: see Looking for Librium, culminating in a scene about tablets--simultaneously medicinal and Biblical!

--Chris Wayan

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