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Dreamed 2022/8/20 by Wayan


I'm reading Emanuel Swedenborg's 1744 dream journal. For such an early dreamworker he's remarkably openminded about interpretation, though he's awfully hard on himself--he wants to emulate Jesus, become a saint. On the other hand he sort of achieved it.

He reminds me a bit of the modern writer Caroline Myss (Defy Gravity and Invisible Acts of Power): if you have rare gifts they come from God, so you must be godly--serve others selflessly. Fulltime. Certainly a psychic's only career option is sainthood.

Hmm. Only?

THAT NIGHT A squat red cubical robot who likes to nag. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

At dinner with friends in a cafe. A strange beggar comes in and pesters us. He's just 60-70 cm tall, looks like a cubical robot on four wobbly legs. A talkative robot, and it's all directed at me. He thinks he's a saint or Christ figure who's come to tell me to drop my nonsense of indulging my creative whims and projects--art is selfish!--and take up my spiritual calling to help others--starting, apparently, with him.

I am not amused. Soon I can't even stay polite. He's not just demanding donations but claiming the right to rule my life! Persistent too. I lay out just why I'm mad at him--"You smile and talk of Christian humility while you order me around! I might have listened if you'd shown a scrap of genuine holiness but all I see is a power game. I decline to play. Get out. NOW!" By the end, I'm yelling.

He leaves only when I cause a scene.

Half an hour later the robot nag comes back in a humanoid body. Tall, white, bearded. A proper Old Testament prophet this time! But the same aura, the same spiel, and he doesn't hide it's him again.

Old whine in a new bottle!

This time it gets physical. He orders me around, and won't leave. At last I fight him--wrestle, throw him down--he bangs his head. I pick him up by his scruffy robe and pitch him out the door like an unruly drunk. "AND STAY OUT!"

Wake. It's 4 AM. I'm a little embarrassed--fistfights with saints?--but not much. I didn't start the bar fight; I just ended it.


I'm posting this embarrassing bar-brawl dream mainly to make that distinction clear to myself--underneath the specifics of nagging often lurks this premise: ignore what you want and obey some rulebook written by saints who know better than you. And will, in their great humility, tell you so.

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