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Zebra Run and Flow

Dreamed 2012/6/12 by Alan Underwood

I stand on Yorkshire cliffs high above the sea. A large fishing boat is just leaving the bay. Under the surface of the bay a huge grey cloud can be seen clearly revealing that the shoal of fish the boat has been targeting is still there. Now I'm flying and moving towards the shoal, at first flying over it but then diving underwater. Here great shapes appear, the shadows of orcas--killer whales. I watch them lunge through the shoal and then on to pursue individual fish. Now, and to my great surprise, a herd of underwater zebra "gallop", with little apparent effort, through water as they to pursue the small fish. This herd of "sea horses" are amazing!

Now standing at a lakeside, the zebra emerge from its still waters. In my position at right angles to the galloping herd I watch them move along the shore. I am in wonder. They seem to have brought the water of the lake with them. As they begin to enter open woodland the "water" of the lake fills all the air and space. It's mostly invisible but you get the odd shimmer to indicate its presence. The movements of the zebra herd, although now very free, seem just as if they were still running under the sea.

The rest of my family arrive and I urge them to watch this wondrous scene. I continue to express my amazement and delight. The zebra seem to be having great fun as they duck under branches and leap over bramble patches, demonstrating great grace and agility.

herd of zebras flows out of a lake; dream image by Alan Underwood. Click to enlarge.

SOURCE: the International Association for the Study of Dreams ( Psiber Art Gallery archive for 2013.

LISTS AND LINKS: beaches - fish - whales - flying & underwater dreams - equines - a dream zebra on a date: Aslan Swoops - Zebras on Venus: Parga Chasma - beauty, joy - digital & photocollage dream art - more IASD dreams

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