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Dreamed 1925/3/20 by Michel Leiris

A Scotsman with puffed-out cheeks blows into a bagpipe shaped like a gigantic bloated man, in the manner of Picasso's "Baigneuse".

Bagpiper playing an inflated fat man. Dreamt by Michel Leiris 1925, sketched by Wayan 20205. Click to enlarge. Picasso's 'Grande Baigneuse' (Big Bather), 1918? Click to enlarge.

SOURCE: Nights as Day, Days as Night by Michel Leiris (1961; 1987 translation by Richard Sieburth) p. 35
Baigneuse: Picasso did a lot of chunky cubist bathers, but most were done after this dream; my best guess is Leiris meant this early more realistic one (1918).
Bagpiper: Wayan (2025). Only a century late! But better late than never.

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