Dreamed 2000/2/21, painted 2002 (acrylic on wood, 3x4 feet), by Chris Wayan
I'm sitting in the cafeteria of my new high school, which is in a rich, quiet, California suburb called Palo Alto. A bunch of kids tease me, but I'm used to that by now, and answer the questions I hear under the teasing. I'm getting used to their monkey curiosity now, if not enjoying it...
To reward myself, I lope out into the sunny atrium, full of flowers. I feel so good I start to float into the air! Kids whisper and watch. I finally get out from under the eaves and feel warm sun on my back and rise more easily--my old powers are returning. Lost them a while, stressed out by this new, foreign school, the only cat among primates. I have a big party balloon tied around my waist, just to convince humans, who might find it upsetting I can swim through air (though not fly like a bird--not yet) with no logical, scientific explanation. As if anything people do has a logical explanation! But apes like reasons.
As I rise from the atrium, stretching in the sun, I start to purr, and the view gets broader, past the school across town... and my mind's view, too, broadens--I think back over the last year or so, and realize I've explored a lot more new things than I realized, lost in the daily maze. Made a lot of progress in songwriting too...
But I've tried so hard to fit in, wasted so much energy on human things.
When as soon as I bare my nonhumanity... I can soar.
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