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Marvel Patrols

Dreamed c.1995 by Rick Veitch

Two bikers at night; single-panel dream-comic by Rick Veitch.

This unbelievably concise dream takes how the comics industry's tumult in the 1990s felt to an independent cartoonist and condenses it into a single panel: graphic haiku. I particularly admire the misspelling / Freudian slip / dream-pun behind the whole bike image: "we peddle all night."

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Rick Veitch's Pocket Universe, 1996, King Hell Press (collecting his comic Rare Bit Fiends, #s 9-14), p.14. Untitled; Marvel Patrols added to aid searches.

LISTS AND LINKS: nocturnes - bikes - work - capitalism - creativity vs. the art biz - mistakes, puns & slips - comics - ink - more Rick Veitch - a second political dream condensed to a single panel: Double Funeral

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