Megalithic Breakout
Dreamed 2019/8/29 by Wayan
This dream is a rarity--half-lucid. I know I'm in a dream-body and will wake to a different body... yet I don't realize I can shape the dream--float down or fly off.
But then... wouldn't that ignore its warning "Can your joints really take this?" You see, I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome--a genetic defect causes weak cartilage and vulnerable joints--I've had hundreds of sprains and dislocations. I have to move mindfully. Against social pressure! I live amid muscular, robust, violent humans; they forced me (starting with mandatory PE classes!) to act tougher than my body can really take. Human habits override my nonhuman needs.
I think the dream wanted me to pause in doubt. I need to pause before risking joints. I'm not normal, and even if I were, I'm no longer a light, small kid. I need to reprogram, and move with caution.
And neither a lucid or non-lucid dream could say that. Only half-lucidity would do.
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