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Saba Revives

Dreamed 1987/7/12 by Wayan

Most humans are bigots. They think cat people can't handle machines. But Karina can--I know, I work with her.

Today she planned to bring in a device that'll change all our work patterns, but she's late. I wait, worried. Last-minute trouble with the machine?

A water-bubble rolls by. The merfolk recently invented a device they call a land-well--a machine setting up a field so water-breathers can swim in the air and breathe it as if it's water. They'd hoped for something wearable like a scuba rig, but the well generator's big, not easily portable, and the field can't be smaller than 4-5 meters across--and that's inherent in the physics. More like a car-size submarine, not the small personal bubble everyone hoped for. Damn.

Still better than no land-legs at all.

Why's Karina late? At last she calls in. Her youngest sister Saba, the fragile, thoughtful one I had a crush on, was killed in a sailway crash. Karina took the new device to try and revive her--and it worked! Saba's alive--tired but awake, ambulatory and healing.

But the felinas, her own people, are shunning her. They fear she's a zombie, half-alive; her voice is a husky whisper conveying no emotion. She gives them the creeps.

"Yeah, for now," I think. "It takes time to recover your voice, recover from death! Don't write off Saba. She'll make it back."

Delicate catgirl. Background: mermaids in waterbubbles like big goldfish bowls. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

LISTS AND LINKS: merfolk - weird dream devices - field effects - animal people - cats - siblings - babes, hunks & sexy creatures - crashes - trains - death - revenants - shunning & outsiders - puns - chronic illness & dream advice on healing - same dreamer, same night: Blundering Linda (caution; nudity & apparent ESP)

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