Dreamed 2020/5/14 by Wayan
I'm a mermaid, but also a weremaid--I can walk around and pass for human on land, but if I swim for a minute or two, my tail regrows.
I'm happy being a shifter--the worst limitation is that I can only wear dresses or big T-shirts and loose sandals around water; my sprouting tail rips pants, shoes and swimsuits apart. After a certain amount of sartorial torture--literal panties in a knot. Not a comical phrase when it really happens to you.
So I have to live in a pretty warm climate, and no Arctic vacations--just in case. But really, exploring rivers, lakes, reefs and deep seas more than makes up for it.
I'm not just a weremaid. I'm a queermaid; I like this human girl. And I think she may just like me back. But she's got a secret sorrow distracting her from even the possibility of romance. I've been hovering, wondering what it is.
One day I find her on a riverbank gloomily eyeing the water. At last I suspect what her secret is! I decide to take a chance. Wade in till my tail grows, then wriggle out and wave it dry till it splits into legs again. Her eyes get big and round, but she doesn't run.
I sit on the stone bank by her and just.. hold her. She bursts into tears and clings to me.
As I suspected, she's a weremaid too. One who's been hiding her whole life, knew no one like her, assumed she was a freak. No. Just half merfolk, half human... and all adorable.
And with luck and patience, all mine.
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