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Migrant Breasts

Dreamed 1988/11/9 by Wayan

Two Thai temple priestesses, in gold & magenta. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I'm in Thailand. I was brought here to meet twin sisters who guard a sacred site.

Inland. Up. Hot, humid forest.

The sisters wear magenta sarongs or loincloths and bikini tops... and tall, spectacular gold-feathered headdresses. Look like giant tropical birds.

To begin the ritual, they enter the temple and sit, chanting a long sutra.

Then one stands and strides past me, but pauses when the string of her loincloth breaks. She turns her back to me and reties it in a breath.

Then her top breaks. And this time, she can't fix it fast enough. Without the cloth restraint, her breasts escape...

... and run free. Slide all around! She chases them round her ribs.

Once she catches up, squeezing them back into the halter, only to have them balloon out up & over a shoulder, skittering under the skin down her back.

Not balloons--too willful. More like rebel hamsters.

Once a breast has tasted freedom...


Temple dancer with migrating breasts. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge. Temple dancer with migrating breasts. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge. Temple dancer with migrating breasts. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge. Temple dancer with migrating breasts. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

LISTS AND LINKS: holy places - rites & initiations - religious figures - twins & doubles - oops! - nudity - breasts - tricksters & dream humor - dream advice on dating/sex/love - dream puns - pencil & digital dream art - more body parts swell & migrate: Beryl Borrowed It, Boy Body, Detachable Penises, Gotta be Me, Popeye Muscles, Third Eye

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