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Wax Wall, Puma Coma

Dreamed 2022/8/8 by Wayan


My sister & brother-in-law visit. We hike around Twin Peaks. Ravens ride the winds...

Watch the fantasy/mystery series Lucifer. The demon Mazikeen gets a job as a bounty hunter and chases a fugitive in Canada. She has fun--likes a challenge, and has a hot night with the fugitive's girlfriend too. But despite her boasts "I need no one", she finds she kinda misses LA, likes her roommate Chloe, and Chloe's daughter Trixie. Chloe's new boss took a bullet to save her life; Lucifer's jealous and feels he failed her by not being there. Murder on a reform-school ranch turns out not to be the sullen boy who jacks cars or the pot-growing leggy blonde, but an adult. Lucifer feels bitter, wants to convince himself he can't change, no one can. His brother disagrees; can see Luce has changed profoundly.

TV news: Biden's huge climate bill passed the Senate. Ha! But will voters really notice the slow, deep changes it'll cause? Or are we as blind as Lucifer? Girl with rope climbs a beam on a ferrryboat. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


1: Rope and Prize

I'm on a team out to win a prize. A teenage boy tells me "I'll win my competition! Our team's gonna level up!" But I'm less sure we can rely on him. He's good, but so are the others.

I slip out onto the porch--a big one ringing the house. Another teen comes round the porch-corner. At a glance, she's tougher, more confident, more competent. To me, a bit sexy, a bit scary.

An Attenborough-style narrator (as if we're wild animals in a nature show) says "He is a rival in this contest." Though "he" is clearly female. By her rolling eyes, the announcer's mispronouned her before--just another wildlife researcher who's bad at sexing species. You know they do it, you just never think it'll be you...

Over her shoulder, a coil of rope. She tries to hook it over a beam; it slips and falls. She tosses again, and I catch the loose end. She ties it fast and loops it around her waist. I leave her to her climbing practice; for the contest I assume. We're all planning and practicing... well, except me.

I go back in--and find the house is now a long long glassed-in deck, like the ferries on Puget Sound. I go forward, out the foredoor... but on the bow a horrible thought comes: "was that kid with the rope and loop preparing to hang herself? And s/he has a little daughter too..." I rush back, feeling very guilty for helping hook that rope up...

...yet when I stop to think, there was absolutely no evidence she planned suicide. Climbing practice makes way more sense. Why'd I jump to such a weird conclusion?
Woman (angel?) questions me in a futuristic bubble-car. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

2: Robocar Confessor

The future. I'm riding north in a robocar on an elevated freeway through Silicon Valley, full of surreal towers many hundreds of meters high, each a surreal corporate castle, with financial royalty at their penthouse summits. Society stratified!

Pass the rim of one complex--a concrete lilypad ten meters up where carsize glass & metal eggs gleam--a parking lot I guess?

As I ride, along, I'm quasi-confessing the teen-rope-hanging-or-not incident with a sympathetic woman. But gradually I wonder--is she human, or an AI, or an angelic inquisitor?

Whoever she is, seems like she's judging my moral decisions and degree of responsibility. I'm not sure what I think myself--can't decide without knowing if it was suicide or not. I don't need help with a weak moral sense; I need basic facts.

And she's so careful to never let on what (if anything) happened, so careful and consistent, that I don't even bother to ask--it's clear they don't want me to know.
I climb a wax wall carrying a puma in a coma. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

3: Wax Wall, Puma Coma

Now I'm a lean brown athletic demon girl like Mazikeen, one of a small commando team climbing a smooth wall of wax, golden-glowing--lit from within. Faint dark spots mark a grid of embedded nails. I wrinkle bits of the wax sheet somehow so I can climb, yet don't leave tracks--it magically re-smooths below me, more like skin than wax.

But at the current bend, a few nailheads poke me. I pull out the most exposed one. Fear it'll leave a bright hole in the grid of spots. But it just isn't too noticeable from afar--and I'm 5-10 meters up. Push other nails pricking me a bit farther in. Now I can grip the wax wrinkle firmly. Hoist myself over the lip.

The climb was so hard because I've been carrying an unconscious lioness or large puma sprawled on my shoulders--tawny, human-weight. I feel great affection for her.

The top is a shallow pool inside the shallow wax lip. Gently lay the coma-puma on the waxy shore.

Wade around the sky-pool rim, seeking the door into the secret radio station we've come to sabotage.

Break into the station corridors. Review my mental map. Long, narrow and tri-lobed, with security doors--a public lobby, staff residences, and the studio proper. No one around, it's fully automated.

How best to sabotage it? The team sets a small bomb to disrupt the power supply.

I peel off to explore the far end of the station. Find it's already a mess--flooded inches deep. I wade in to find the source. A toilet's been overflowing--a strange hot-water toilet! Well, not very hot; but warm. Energy-wasteful as well as bizarre. Its valve is just half on; I open it all the way and leave it at that--another few hours of neglect, and the whole station will flood.

Now if my, um, pussy'd just wake up...



One purpose of the World Dream Bank is to show how dreamers figure out bizarre content; so I rarely post dreams I fail to interpret. But some dreams have such vivid, odd images I'm compelled to show them despite my inability to figure them out. This is one--that glowing wall of wax, that puma in a coma by a sky-pool, hot-water toilet floods, and strangest of all, finding myself (physically fragile, shy, thoughtful) transformed into tough, impulsive, passionate Mazikeen... I can't fully explain it. Or forget.

LISTS AND LINKS: I'm Just Not Myself Today! - species- & gender-bent dreams - TV - ascent - animals - big cats - puns - cats & wax 27 years earlier: Mooncat - cats & flowstone pools 39 years earlier: Cat Repels Dinosaurs - babes, hunks & sexy creatures - coma & paralysis - Covid? - water - news media - truth & lies - scenic dreams - sabotage - pencil dream art - sex/romance advice in dreams - a Lucifer-inspired dream 4 months ago: Catfox (huh--it too had climbing & a female cat)

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