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City of Bees

Dreamed 1994/8/2, drawn May 2007, by Chris Wayan

This comic tells the same dream as the prose-story The Bees' Answer. Rendering one vision in two different media is something I highly recommend for all dreamers. You learn things you don't expect. Materials pull and push you.

Or they get you stuck! I wasn't satisfied with prose and longed for years to draw the dream, but couldn't convey how the City of Bees felt. Then, last year, I was taking a design class, and in the middle of it realized I simply needed to make everything hexagonal--panels, speech balloons, everything--and go from there.

Or maybe I was just ready at last to face the Bee Doctor's diagnosis.

Comic with hexagonal pages telling a dream of being a bee in a bee-city, Propolopolis; for text-only version, see 'The Bees' Answer', at Click to enlarge.
Comic with hexagonal pages telling a dream of being a bee in a bee-city, Propolopolis; for text-only version, see 'The Bees' Answer', at Click to enlarge.
Comic with hexagonal pages telling a dream of being a bee in a bee-city, Propolopolis; for text-only version, see 'The Bees' Answer', at Click to enlarge.

LISTS AND LINKS: prose version: The Bees' Answer - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - gender-bending dreams - species-bending dreams - bugs - recurring dreams - shamanism - doctors - diagnostic dreams - environmental illness - ambition - puns - individualism and identity - dream cities - dream comics - architectural dreams - City of Bees is part of Polygon Dreams, a comic exploring the effects of different panel-shapes - 300 years earlier, Dou Xun marries a bee in Princess Lily

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